Part 2 of chapter 1.

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Fear that Nathan knew was hidden within her.

Yet! At one point she had virtually sat on him fearlessly, to stop him from rising and keep him resting. Being sure she kept away from his fingers, no matter how weak he was - those nails could still damage. Under hooded eyes, she saw his fingertips twitch as he controlled them. So much was going on inside him, but eventually, as the days had gone by, she had been forced to allow him up. Which had been eventful, and was showing no signs of being anything other. So many doubts and fears rattled their way through Charlie. It had been so very long since she had contemplated her own self.

What she was? No one had for a very long time mentioned it, not even her. We are never to know what we are! Her life had taken a far different route to that of the others, the ones which were different to her. Born noticeably unique or more to the point made diverse. Charlie had never denied herself, not even at the beginning. It was what it was. She knew where her beginnings had been. But also knew how to survive. Which meant taking a back seat and blending into the background. Trying to become what most out there were, ordinary. Or that was what others thought, and what they needed to see in her. But they were oblivious to everything that was Charlie. And she knew how to sink into the background, had from the very beginning - managing it with little effort. Preferring greatly to take a back seat and blend in. Hers had never been a life like the others. Strong and confident as they blazed their way through living. Having fought for their lives and what they created was well deserved. She had merely trudged through hers - mostly hiding.

However, no one, including her could not say she had not enjoyed a good life. Having loved every minute of what her life had been until first her husband died unexpectedly and then her son had become ill. It had not taken long before he had followed his father. From the beginning to the end of his illness, merely 8 months. Being more his father's child than hers, her attributes were not his. Yet, had she wanted him to be like her? At the time of his birth, it had not mattered - until he became ill...

It could have been all so different. Charlie pushed the thoughts away. Now was not the time. She continued to smile, showing more strength than Nathan gave her credit for. Not allowing him to push her away. Having done a lot of that lately, standing her ground with him. The scruffy, grumpy being that he had become - hardly a shadow of what she remembered. And she remembered, all of it. Even as young as she was, his image had stayed with her. His deep tones and enticing smile, for he had smiled - then. Not like now. Nonetheless, secretly admitting he had given her nightmares then, the nature of them all was there, hidden, but there, and she knew what it was.

Nathan mused over Charlie - his thoughts seemed to be full of nothing but her. She had shown more guts, this last week than he had seen in anyone for a very long time. In what was his crazy life. Knew all too well what he sounded like when he seethed and yelled, which he had done. Aiming it all at her, she had taken it stoically, periodically yelling back. But Nathan did not understand anything about her. It was as if she knew what was in his very being, and ignored his words smiling - seeing only that which was good. Overall, a very special trick.

Regardless, he had been feeling better. But, today it felt odd. His eyebrows furrowed, the slightest twitch, as he was not expecting that! She was physically much stronger than she looked. Being merely a woman! Only a woman? A thought flashed across his mind, which he quickly rejected. If she was, he would know, of that he was positive. Or so he thought, but we all know what thought did... Got it wrong. Again, he wondered about her. How old was she? He had no idea and could not tell. He felt older than dirt and this being sick thing was not fun at all. No point wishing any other though. He had tried, and none of it was going to happen. Imagining himself as he was before, not this thing that he had become. He still had the height, but when the coughing started, it was crippling. Having lost so much weight he truly did not feel like himself. His eyes, that profoundly sunken were merely dark pools against his sallow skin, which was hardly anything more than parchment.

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