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Tubbo didn't expect his last life would end like this, in the arms of his dear friends and son, and on the ruin grounds of L'manberg.

His eyes became foggy and all he could see was flying colours, but his ears picked up on the faint sobbing of the people around him.

Tommy​, who was just a blur of yellow and red, seems to be saying something.

It was cold.

But strangely, he could feels warm droplets of tears on his face.

Ah, was his fiery friend crying?

He let out a faint chuckle.

Never would he had thought that the last image of Tommy would be his tear stained face, it was the Tommy that would be embarrassed enough to laughed about himself crying after all.

He smiled, "Don't cry", he softly said. It was so soft like a whisper of the wind.

He felt his whole energy drain, and he knew that his time was up.

But even if it was his last moments, he felt like it was the longest moment of his short life, it was like time had still just for the both of them.

Just​ for himself.

And he closed his eyes, he was tired, his once burning scar became numb and cold, and he felt........





But most of all, he felt relieved.

Relieved that all the lost ends have been tied, or severed.

Relieved that the long fought war had ended, though be it bloody and full of lost.

It still ended and now, everyone could have a mind of peace.

Especially, his friends and family.

Ranboo, Michael, Tommy, Philza and those who have fought with them.

And in the end, he could also find peace, in death.

Thought, it was quite short.


I had an urge to write this, don't know why, but it still ended up great.

It's about reincarnation and shit or those like, possession thing that those manhwa always do.

Word count: 328

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