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Halloween was one of my favorite holidays, right before Valentines Day and right after Christmas. I always dressed up with Robin, our costumes were always the best. This year we'd decided to go as Batman and Joker, she'd be Batman, and I'd be Joker.

It was definitely our best costume yet, it was classic and easily done. Today was Thursday and the Halloween was on Friday night, so we had plenty of time to finish up our costumes before the party. We were currently in my driveway, I was working on my car and Robin was sewing up my suit.

My engine had been giving me trouble since I got it fixed, not starting up, and the oil pump malfunctioning. Robin was playing music on her radio, while I messed around with the car. I saw a movers truck pull up to the next house over. It had been for sale for at least 6 years and just around a month ago it was sold, but no one had moved in yet. I knew my mom would make me say hi and invite the new neighbors in for cookies and whatnot, so I was eager to get out of there.

"Hey Robin?" I asked.

"Tell me" She replied.

I leaned on the side of my hood, "Do you think we should paint the car black? Like a Batmobile type thing?"

Robin laughed, "You'd actually be down to do that?"

"I mean, my paint is chipping anyway, might be cool to do a new color." I said.

"Okay! Let's do it tomorrow?"

"What time is it?" I asked.


"Store's open till 6, let's do it today." I said, closing the hood and unlocking the car.

Robin got up and walked over to the passengers seat. It took me three turns of the key for the engine to start up. Fucking old ass car.

"Alright here's the game plan, we need sandpaper, paint, tape, and goggles." I said.

"How much is that gonna cost you?" Robin asked.

"Don't worry about it."


Sure enough, as soon as Robin and I returned from the store, movers were unloading boxes from the back of the truck. The lights were now on in my dining room, so I assumed my mother invited them in. Fuck. I really didn't feel like small talk with most likely a pair of senior citizens.

I parked the car in my driveway and warned Robin about the neighbors. "If my mother makes me go in and talk to them, you're coming with."

"Oh I want to." She said.

We got out of the car and unloaded our materials. I heard my laughter from inside my house, I don't have siblings and my dad was at work so that was my confirmation. I got the masking tape from the pile of materials and I mapped out in my head where to put it.

Robin opened up the bucket of paint and immediately spilled it all over herself.

"Shit! Shit! I'm so sorry." She said.

"Fuck Robin!" I said while laughing, "You're so fucking stupid."

I ran over to and picked up the bucket and put it upright so it wouldn't spill anymore.

"Shit now it's all over my hands!"

Robin started laughing at me, "Hey at least it's just on my hands, it's all over your shirt!" I said.

"Come on, let's go inside." She said.

"No! No we will not go inside!" I said, half whisper half yelling.

keep driving // max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now