Sinister 6

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Thanksgiving @Matthorseman for this idea.So this is gonna be the fight scene in NWH so like if you haven't seen it then don't read this so like Yh bear with me guys coz this gonna hurt my brain

So the scene is when they are all in take Yh like a time-out to gather up and shit so Yh let's go from there to make my life easier

Peter (MCU) POV:
"Nat is down and so is Wanda I've really fucked this one guys I'm sorry." I said
"Kid just do what you gotta do." Cap said
"We will." Peter 2 and 3 said.We then went into Miss liberty not like that though.
"I keep yelling at you, Peter-Two,Peter-Two, Peter-Two." Said Peter 3
"I know, but I thought you were Peter-Two." Said Peter 2 said
"What?! I'm not Peter-Two!" Said Peter 3
"Stop arguing! Both of you! Listen to Peter-One. Look, we're clearly not very good at this!" I said
"I know, I know, we suck. I-- I don't know how to work as a team." Said Peter 3
"Me neither." Sighed Peter 2
"Well, I do! I have been in a team, okay? I don't want to brag, but I will... I was in The Avengers." I said not thinking about what would come next.
"The Avengers?!" Peter 2 said questionable and excitedly at the same time
"Yeah" I said
"That's great!" Peter 2 said
"Thank you." I said
"What is that?" Peter 2 said
"Wait. You don't have The Avengers" I ask confused
"Is that a band? Are you in a band?" Peter 3 asked
"No, I'm not in a band. No, The Avengers is uh, uh... Earth's mightiest." I said. ZAP! A bolt of electricity amid the sandstorm.
"How's this helping?!" Peter 3 asked worryingly
"Look, it's not important. All we gotta do is focus, trust your tingle, and coordinate our attacks, okay?" I said
"Yes, okay. Let's pick one target." Peter 3 said refocusing
"Great" I replied
"We take them off the board one at a time." Said Peter 3
"Now you got it! Okay (I pony to myself) Peter-One.(I point to older looking one) Peter-Two.
Peter-Two. (to middle aged looking one) Peter-Three.
"All right. Let's do this. Ready?" I said
"Let's go" Peter 2 says
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! I love you guys." Peter 3 says
"I love you too." Me and Peter 2 say
"No homo" I add
"All right, let's do this." I say
"Let's go." Peter 2 says.

No one's POV:
The three of them share a determined look. Three Peters, united as one.They pull on their masks and LEAP off the scaffoldin. THREE SPIDER-MEN SWINGING AS A TEAM! They land, one by one, on the Statue of Liberty's crown. Just as Sandman, Electro, and Lizard rise directly across from them. THREE SPIDER-MEN VS.THREE VILLAINS! Electro chases Spider-Man, swinging through the scaffolding. EXT. STATUE OF LIBERTY - VARIOUS - CONTINUOUS (NIGHT)
THREE SPIDER-MEN SWINGING AS A TEAM! They land, one by one, on the Statue of Liberty's crown. Just as--
Sandman, Electro, and Lizard rise directly across from them. THREE SPIDER-MEN VS. THREE VILLAINS!
Electro chases Spider-Man, swinging through the scaffolding.
SPIDER-MAN (OVER COMMS) Okay, Spider-Mans, Sandman's first.
Sandman, now gigantic, chases Raimi-Verse Spider-Man through another part of the scaffolding.
RAIMI-VERSE SPIDER-MAN (OVER COMMS) I'm gonna lead him inside the
Lizard chases Webb-Verse Spider-Man.
WEBB-VERSE SPIDER-MAN (OVER COMMS) I'll meet you at the top.
Webb-Verse Spider-Man grabs the SANDMAN CURE. Lizard LEAPS... pins Webb-Verse Spider-Man down.
WEBB-VERSE SPIDER-MAN (CONT'D) Hey, Doctor Connors...
LIZARD Hello, Peter.
Just then, Spider-Man swings by, Electro trailing.

WEBB-VERSE SPIDER-MAN (OVER COMMS) Webb-Verse Spider-Man throws the cure...
I got it!
CAUGHT! But Electro ZAPS... hitting Spider-Man... who drops the Sandman cure onto the scaffolding below.
Raimi-Verse Spider-Man scrambles to evade Sandman, who is closing in... Spider-Man crawls inside the Statue of Liberty, climbing and webbing his way to the top...
RAIMI-VERSE SPIDER-MAN Flint! We're trying to help you!
But Sandman won't give up the chase. Raimi-Verse Spider-Man sighs... WEBS to the top of the Statue of Liberty...
He's inside the crown -- there's nowhere else to go! Sand quickly flooding in all around him...
RAIMI-VERSE SPIDER-MAN (OVER COMMS) (CONT'D) Guys, I'm at the top. I need the
Arms of sand grab at Raimi-Verse Spider-Man, pulling him under...
Spider-Man rapidly climbs up the scaffolding.
SPIDER-MAN (OVER COMMS) I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!
But Webb-Verse Spider-Man is still pinned beneath Lizard... holding back his GAPING JAWS. He HEADBUTTS him.
KICKS Lizard back.
WEBS Lizard to the scaffolding.

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