send a prayer

512 28 15

"as long as i'm here no one can hurt you."

Despite almost everyone telling me to do the rest of school online I refuse to until I am absolutely about to give birth. I wake up at the crack of dawn and struggle just to put clothes on, but I do it so that I don't fail, and to show those assholes at my school that just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'll be getting a free pass.

Soobin sighs as we head to the school, "Yeonjun, you have to switch to online at some point. It's going to be too hard to even get dressed as we go into our last two months."

I sigh but I know that he's right, "I know. I'll switch next month when I turn eight months."

Soobin nods and we reach school a few minutes later. We walk into the building and nobody really pays attention to us, having been used to seeing my round belly for months now. I reach our signature meetup spot and see the whole gang, Momo and Lisa, Taehyun and Beomgyu, Sunoo and Kai, Jake and Jongin, and Keeho, Soul, and Intak too.

I smile and say, "You guys are all here!" Lisa smiles back and says, "Yeonjun, you look like you could pop anyday now!" I roll my eyes as the others laugh in agreement and Keeho says, "Guys me, Soul and Intak have something to tell you," looking slightly nervous.

"Go ahead," Beomgyu urges softly. Keeho stutters, "W-We-We're-" Intak sighs and says, "We're all dating. The three of us."

"Finally," Momo mutters underneath her breath and we all nod. "Okay," I say while holding Soobin's hand. I had told the group we started dating last week and they were very happy to find out so. Keeho lets out a happy sigh and Taehyun claps him on the back in a bro like manner.

"Now the only thing we're waiting on is for Yeonjun to give birth!" Sunoo says while clapping happily like a seal. I hold my belly and say, "Well I'm not ready for my ass to be stretched out and burn while pushing him out."

I decided to go with the traditional way, by pushing him out, except I would be having a water birth. Which I saw lowers the stress levels a bit more during the birth. So I would basically be in a big circular bath tub and Soobin would be in there as well, his chest against my back as I give birth. There would be two to three doctor's in there with us too.

Beomgyu laughs and says, "Couldn't be me. I'm glad I didn't have to go through pregnancy just to get Min-jee." His eyes light up upon the mention of his daughter and I roll my eyes and huff, "Fuck you, Beommie." Jongin pouts before looking at Jake and saying, "I want a pup too!" The latter smiles and whispers something in his ear but everyone's wolf ears pick up on it. I cringe and Kai gags, "Ew Jake! YoU nEeD tO lEaVe. Right now."

Jake smiles innocently and says, "I don't know what you're talking about hyung." I shake my head and say, "My poor baby is scarred for life and he hasn't even been born yet." Right at that moment he decides to make his presence known, everyone's eyes bulge out of their heads when my belly moves slightly.

"Woah. That's freaky," Jake whispers in fascination. I smile and say, "All you loud hoes must've woken him up. Who wants to feel him kick?"

Soobin rolls his eyes as the bottoms fight over who gets to go first. "Just make a line," he says. Beomgyu yanks Momo back and is about to touch me when he is yanked back by Sunoo, who smile triumphantly. Jongin shoves Sunoo aside and says, "Me first, hoe." I sigh as my friends literally fight over who's going to go first. Soul slithers past the group of fighting people and looks at me for permission first before hesitantly placing a hand on my stomach.

It's motionless inside my belly for a few seconds until another kick, a little harsher than before, is delivered directly to Soul's palm. His eyes widen and he says, "Wow."

The tops look at the bottoms fight with a sigh and thankfully the bell for first period rings.
There's a strange black car in the driveway when we arrive home and I'm confused and slightly apprehensive.

Soobin sees the black car and protective pheromones immediately fill the car. I look at Soobin, fear knotting in my stomach and Daebak wakes up as well, actively kicking due to me stressing.

"Yeonjun stay here. I'm gonna check the house out to make sure that it's okay," Soobin says calmly.

"Hell no. That's how the brave guys always end up getting hurt or kidnapped in the movies," I procrastinate and grab his hand, holding it in a death lock so he won't leave.

Soobin rolls his eyes and casually grabs a gun out of the dashboard with his other hand, "What the hell, Soobin!?"

He makes a "shh" motion and is about to get out of the car when I panic and say, "Choi Soobin..I swear if you get out this car...!" He halts and turns back to me, and although I attempt to look brave my worrying scent gives me away. Of course we could be over exaggerating and the car coule be harmless but I can't help but be on edge at the sight.

"P-Please..Soobin don't leave me and the baby alone-" I say and tears well up in my eyes. These fucking hormones-!

He sighs and says, "Yeonjun, I just want to check out the house before you and the baby come inside to make sure it's safe. Don't worry I'll come right ba-"

Suddenly, a white mist starts to creep inside the car coming from underneath all the seats. 

I don't even have a chance to hold my breath before the mist creeps into my system and I'm out.
I wake up with a gasp and see I'm still in the car....except Soobin's gone. My heart beats wildly in my chest and I croak out, "S-Soobin..? Soobin...?! SOOBIN!"

I frantically exit the car, my vision slightly blurry, and continue to shout for Soobin, of course the next house over will take about two minutes to reach by car but the keys are missing. Tears stream down my face and I try to calm down before Daebak gets hurt as well from the stress..but inside I'm breaking down slowly.

I just got him back..and now he's gone. Why does the Moon Goddess insist on breaking us apart and hurting us..?! I fall to my knees and caress my protruding stomach as a whirlwind of emotions bubble inside me.

I pull out my phone, tears blurring my vision, and call the contact which is fresh in my phone. "Hey, Yeonjun. Everything alright?"

Hearing Yuzuru's voice breaks my heart for some reason and I start sobbing on the phone, "N-No."

I hear rustling and his voice again but much more serious, "What's wrong? Where's Soobin?"

I cry even harder at the mention of the twenty-two year old and say, "S-Some-Someone kidnapped...S-Soobin."

I hear the older take a deep breath in and Yuzuru says, "Where are you, Yeonjun?"

"I'm at the house."

"Go inside. I'll be there in five minutes with my men," Yuzuru says and I hear the sound of an engine roaring.

"Okay," I sniffle and walk up the stairs slowly, making sure I don't accidentally trip in my emotional state.

"Don't worry, Yeonjun. We're gonna find the bitch who thought they could mess with my brother and get away with it," I hear the bloodlust and anger in his voice before he hangs up arubptly.

A few tears fall from my eyes and I can't help but blame myself for Soobin's disappearance. If I had gotten out of the car sooner or not begged him to stay with me, maybe he wouldn't have been kidnapped. Why does all this shit happen when I'm pregnant for fucks sake?! I'm honestly surprised but glad that I haven't lost the baby due to stress and anxiety, which is the common factor for miscarriages.

"Please....Please be okay, Soobin," I whisper and send a prayer to the Moon Goddess, despite anger and betrayal raging through my heart at the divine being.
Who could have kidnapped soobin?! I mean it's obvious....isn't it-?

Let's pray that soobin is okay:(



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