Chapter 1

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The great hall was as lively as it has ever been ever since the war. People had time to grieve and move on but they will never forget what happened that day.

"Did you hear that Malfoy is in the infirmary?" A gryffindor said

"He got attacked again I kinda feel bad for him after all he did help us right Harry?" Mione said

"It's wrong what they are doing but why hasn't he done or said anything?" he says irritated that he stopped eating

"Probably think he deserves it when no one does. It's things like this that create an evil person" Ron said

They agreed with him on that.

Suddenly there was a bright light that blind everyone, some even put up shields like the golden trio just in case.

"James! What did you do!"

"You're on my leg!"

"Get off me!"

"Hey.! Hey.! Hey.! Watch where you put your hands!"

And many other phrases could be heard all at once. Everyone gasped when they heard the name James and looked at Harry then back to the teens.

The great hall doors opened and Draco looked around confused then decided to just help the teen because why not.

He reached for the girl with blonde hair and super light red highlights "Thank you so much for the help—.. Teddy!! Somethings really wrong.!!" Yelled the girl, she looked deeply into Draco's eyes

"Well I can't see because someone is still on top of me...but what's wrong? What do you see?"

"A younger version of your cousin/god-father.!!" Everyone was shocked at what was said "James I'm literally going to kill you when I get up!!" He growled, once everyone was up they looked around at the people "Before anything else how many are we?" Teddy asked "Ummm let's see five counting you that six." Albus said

"Okay I know I accidentally started this problem but I'm not stupid Teddy my dear god-brother there is one person missing from that count because you have four god-siblings not three—.... it's okay I'll wait." James said crossing his arms then it dawned on him and the other teens at who was missing

"Mother is going to kill us. No worse mother is going to bury us alive and dance on our grave.!! Scorpius yelled

The great hall was still trying to process everything until the chosen one spoke up "Excuse me but who are you guys.?" The teens looked at each other and nodded their heads

"Right I'll go first since I'm the oldest. I'm Edward Black Lupin but call me Teddy. I'm eighteen years old. I was head boy of Hufflepuff and I just graduated from Hogwarts."

"Teddy omg it is you.! You look so much like your fathers will except for the hair." Harry said with tears in his eyes "Yeah turns out one of my fathers had Metamorphmagus in their blood line." Teddy smiled "Anyways Tori is take it away"

"Thank you honey bonjour I'm Victoria Gin Weasley call me Vicky or Tori. I'm also eighteen years old. I was a Ravenclaw head girl just graduated also.! C'est très agréable de vous rencontrer tous.!" Everyone looked confused at the last part

"C'est aussi un plaisir de te rencontrer aussi Victoria." Draco said back to her while smirking and a certain raven haired boy was blushing because he thought it was hot

"Me next.!! I'm Leo Arthur Weasley a pleasure to see some of you, I'm fifteen years old, I'm in Hufflepuff I play chaser or keeper in quidditch oh and I have a little sister but she's ten her name is Jean Violet she'll probably be in Gryffindor"

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