Chapter 2

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The doors opened "It wasn't for anything mother you have a bigger family now that loves you unconditionally even if we're apart" a girl said with black and blonde hair with one eye emerald-green the other a mercury-silver

"Lily, where were you?!" The teens went up to hug her "I was in London a nice man brought me here" she looked behind her and in came a man about five'eleven black hair and blue eyes "Who are you?"

"It's good to see you Teddy I'm Draco Lucius Potter" he took off his spell he grow in height to six' one there stood a good looking older Draco Malfoy or should I say Potter then spells were shot at him but he was shielded by the teens "Enough!!" Yelled Harry everyone stopped but something was different with the teens and there was crying heard from a girl

"Lily sweetheart what's wrong?" Future Draco asked, picking her up and hugging her "It's just that I always wanted to meet you a-and—.." she hugged him so tight but Ft. Draco just smiled hugging her back

How much he missed his little princess and his sons

"Draco will future Draco may I ask you something" Stella's mother asked "Yes Mione" she just smiled "It's obvious that they're your children because the spells are off but why take Harry's last name also, what's wrong with the teens?" Ft. Draco looked at them "Oh ummm I just didn't want to be a Malfoy anymore and the other thing...will it's their creature inheritance" he said like it was natural for him but some were shock 

"You see I got mine when I was sixteen all pure bloods or wizards and witches with creature blood lines do but Harry will get his when he is ready which would've been tomorrow if I remember correctly" Ft Draco said

"What is he?" Ginny asked, "He's a Basilisk since he had Voldemort's soul in him."

"What about Hermione shouldn't a creature be with a creature?" Harry asked Ft Draco looked at Ron, Pansy and Blaise and they nod their heads

"Yes love you see I'm a phoenix, Blaise is a neko, Ron is a Vampire, Pansy is a siren and somewhere in Mione's bloodline there was a fairy which she inherited she'll get it soon enough. All the kids were born with them except for Lily but she will get hers soon James and Scorpius are like me and Albus is like Harry but Lily is a mystery. She is a Potter and a Malfoy after all also Stella is a fairy. She found her mate but they're in denial right now which is so cute.!"

"Dad stop it's embarrassing~" complain James some of the students giggle at that and Stella turned red "Anyways where was I oh then Stella's little sister Nova she's a siren, then Leo is a Vampire and his sister Jean is a neko, Teddy is a werewolf because of his fathers and Victoria is a Veela because of her mom but Bill is a dragon." He said

"Ronald how come you didn't tell us that you went though your inheritance" Hermione confused "Sorry it  kinda slipped because we had  a war going on but I was going to tell you" Ron said nervously

"So your whole family has a creature side then" Harry asked Ron he said yes

"Father how did you get here anyways?" Teddy asked

"I was looking after you when Harry left to work the time turner it was mine Harry must've left it out because he looks at it everyday before work it rolled off the table when Teddy opened the door and James accidentally stepped on it I was going to stop it but it was to late but I grabbed Lily and we both ended up in London."

The teens said sorry to James and he forgave him "Dada can I say something to everyone" Lily asked he nod

"Hi everyone I'm Lily Narcissa Potter daughter of Draco and Harry Potter I know you don't like my daddy  but he was forced to get that mark they made him choose between death to his mommy or the mark he chose because he loves his mother to much to lose her. And as to the bullies that bully him in this time he would have protected himself and fought back probably even kill you but he didn't because he thought or thinks he deserves it but he doesn't. Look around this world" the little girl that looked like Harry and Draco started tearing up

"Our world is beautiful no one deserves hated that's how Voldemort was made my papa has every right to hate the people that hurt him but he doesn't because he loves his family too much to be consumed by hated to do that but because of what you all will tell your children in the future caused a war" she took a stance in-front of her family that say power and the thing is this little girl has so much power that you can actually feel it some kids took a step back but Harry and Draco looked with pride that they had a powerful young lady as their daughter and Ft. Draco had tears of happiness how much his princess has grown

"This time we have no one to blame but yourselves.! I almost dies and that's because I was in my mommy's tummy so look at yourself and think is this who I really want to be because let me tell you that after the war there was only fifty percent of wizards and witches in the world so think before you act be united not divided!."

Everyone was quiet until a first year girl from Slytherin got up walked to Draco and said "I'm sorry for what I did please forgive me" Draco was shocked "It's fine" everyone was saying sorry to Draco and to other Slytherins like Blaise and Pansy.

"Thank you my little princess" Ft. Draco said dropping down to hug her she just smiled and hugged back then there was a bright flash there stood seven adults that looked very familiar

To be continued.......❤️💚💛💙

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