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*Harry's POV*

"Okay Styles, I've got your next assignment!" Mr. Carter shouts at me, his half smoked cigarette spreading ashes into the air as he talked.

"I am ready for whatever you give me, sir." I respond back to the extra large, bald man who I also am forced to refer to as my boss.

"Now, don't get violent with me, but this one is a bit different then most of the articles you have written so far. Luckily, you have worked as a writer for so long that I know whatever I throw at you, you will be able to make it a top seller." Carter says, pulling out a folder from his desk.

"You know you can count on me sir! Give me whatever you need." I reply.

"That's my boy!" His booming voice played through the crowded office.

Reaching forward, I slide the brown leather folder towards myself, so I can see more of what my article is going to be about. Opening it up, I find that the folder is full of newspaper and magazine articles, on the top of the folder was a single picture. The picture wasn't the best, it was taken from far away and it seemed like she was rushed to get somewhere. Other than that, she looked about my age, her hair tied up into a bun with a heavy bag slung around her shoulder. I looked up at Carter in confusion, on why my article was about this normal looking girl.

"This is Luna Snow. She is the new big thing apparently currently in the ballet world and-"

"Woah wait, the ballet world? What the hell Carter I was expecting some hot new murder or something big! Not the world of pixie dust and flowers!" I said, interrupting his sentence.

"Let me finish Styles! Here's the catch, she's only nineteen, and yet she has trained in Russia, France, and Australia, and now it's rumored that she is here in New York, working with The Joffery School of Ballet. No one ever has been able to figure out who she is or how she has gotten this good so fast. That's where you come in, I know you can figure her out." He says, finally putting out his overused cigarette.

"Let me get this straight, you want me to go find this girl, and you expect me just to get an interview with her even though she has never had a interview with anyone? How exactly do you expect me to do this?" I asked, still totally stumped by this assignment.

"Well I don't know! Just use that signature smirk you always or think of something at least, use sex appeal! Do whatever you have to do to get this assignment done, understood?" He finished.

"Whatever you say boss." I say, disappointed.

"Good. Now are you doing anything tonight?" He asks.

I shake my head, sitting up, expecting whatever he says next to be some big party I need to attend too for another story that he is going to give me.

"Well now you are." He says pulling a slip of paper out of his desk. "You're going to her show tonight, front row. Don't be late Styles."

I grabbed the ticket and walked out of his office looking down at the paper to see what exactly I was getting myself into.

The Joffrey School of Ballet Presents
Swan Lake
7:45 P.M.

The rest of the ticket simply listed the time and where my seat was. Carter didn't lie, front row. Looking up I realized that everyone else had left the building. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my stuff before walking over to the elevator to get off of the top floor and down to the parking lot. Just as I stepped into the wide doors of the elevator, Carter runs out of his office

"Styles! Wait! I forgot to tell you something!" He shouted running, the best he could, towards me.

I leaned over and violently pressed the "door close" button, not wanting to speak with my stubborn boss more than needed.

"I got it Carter, don't be late." I shouted back.

The elevator doors slowly came to a close as Carter got closer."No! It's about Luna she's-"

I didn't hear what the ending part of the sentence was as the doors shut right in his face. I'm sure it wasn't very important since he supposedly forgot to tell me earlier. As I waited for the doors to open once again, I looked down at my watch to see that I had less than a hour to get to the theater where the ballet was.

"Well shit." I mumbled to myself as I reached the bottom of the building.

Just as I got to my car and fished my keys out of my pocket, my phone begins to ring. I hurry and unlock my car, jumping in as I pull out my phone and slide across the screen, not caring enough to look at who was calling."Hello?" I said into the receiver as I started the car up.

"Harry! We have a problem!" I heard my roommate, Louis, yells back.

I let out a big sigh as I wait for my car to heat up and warm up the cold leather, that the November air set in my car.

"What is it Louis, I'm a little busy at the moment." I reply, backing out of the parking garage.

"You know the brown hair from down the hall?"

"Do you mean Lillian?" I ask

"Yeah! That's the one, well she just walked into her apartment with some guy." I heard him shuffling inside our shared apartment.

"Louis, if you really cared about her, you would remember her name at least." I say slowly making my way to the theater in rush hour traffic.

"No! I actually care about her, I know her name...Lillian Walters. She's from Texas and she came here to study at NYU...for Medical Anatomy. She wants to be a nurse." Louis rambles on.

"Why did you just act like you didn't know her then! Plus how do you know all of those things!" I asked, completely concerned for my best friend.

"Well, I just maybe wanted to act like I didn't like her..." He said trailing off.

"You're such a idiot. You and I both know you are completely in love with her. Louis, you have been head over heels for this girl ever since we moved in. Just ask her out already!"

"You know, I would, but now I don't know who this guy is."

 "Okay fine, you do you man, look I have work to do but I'll text you when I get home. Don't stalk the girl too much Louis." I said then hung up the phone not waiting for a goodbye.

I slowly made my way through the crowded streets of New York and with barely time to spare, I made it to the theater and was parked right before the show started. I got in and got to my seat just as the curtains were drawn back and soft, classical music bounced off of the walls.

+++Would you look at that. I am back everyone.



How's it going

good good.

Okay anyways, this will be my new story, I don't exactly have a posting schedule so we'll just see what happens.

You all look lovely by the way.

K bye.

Love you


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