Baby Chaeryeong - Itzy

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"Ryujin~ where's Chaeryeong?!" Yeji yelled from the kitchen. It was breakfast time and it was unusual for them to not see Chaeryeong already awake

"How would I know? she doesn't sleep in my room" Ryujin said back and Yeji sighed.

She turned off the stove and made her way to Chaeryeong's room but was surprised when they heard a scream.

"Unnie's!!!" Yuna yelled and all of the other girls went rushing to where Yuna was, which was Chaeryeong's room.

"What you screaming for? It's not like-" Ryujin was cut off upon seeing it

"Oh. my. god." Lia said

"Okay, what did you do to her?" Yeji asked the youngest

"I swear, I was just about to tell her that breakfast was ready and this happened" Yuna said pointing to the baby who awas sitted on the bed. Looking at them weirdly.

"IT'S A BABY CHAERYEONG!!!" Lia squealed and went towards the little baby on the bed and lifted her up in her arms.

Baby Chaeryeong could only giggle as Lia pepered her face with kisses.

"That's new" Ryujin said

"Eh, you're just jealous that Chaeryeong unnie likes Lia unnie more" Yuna said and the older glared at her

"You little-"

"Okay, no fighting. We have to figure this out" Yeji said as she pushed Ryujin away from Yuna.

"Isn't she cute Yeji? look at her!" Lia said and showed Yeji baby Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong was smiling, her eyes almost disappearing.

Even though Yeji would be stressed about this situation, she does admit that baby Chaeryeong looks so cute

"Well, she is cute" Yeji said and chuckled and this made baby Chaeryeong to clap her hands.

"Wow, she understands you unnie" Yuna said and Lia nodded

"I think we need to go and buy some things for her" Yeji suggested and Yuna agreed.

"Okay, Yuna let's go. Lia, Ryujin, keep an eye on baby Ryeongchae" Yeji said and she went off with Yuna to buy some stuff that baby Chaeryeong might need

Lia and Ryujjn both kept Chaeryeong company while Yeji and Yuna went to the store.

"Unnie, do you think Chaer unnie will like this?" Yuna asked

"I don't think you should call her unnie at this kind of situation but I'm sure she'll like that" Yeji said, pointing to the fox stuff toy that Yuna was holding.

"Oh, we need this one unnie!" Yuna squealed as she saw some other baby stuff that Chaeryeong could use

"Aren't we buying too much Yuna? I mean we don't know how long Chaeryeong would be a baby" Yeji said and scratched her nape

"Oh come on unnie, we only get to experience this once so we have to go full on! I mean, when can you even meet baby Chaeryeong unnie again?" Yuna said as she got more things. Yeji thought that Yuna did had a point and besides, the things weren't that expensive.


"How old do you think she is?" Ryujin asked from the side as Lia sat down on the couch with baby Chaeryeong on her lap.

"Hmm, probably 2 or 3 years old" Lia said and then baby Chaeryeong kept looking at Ryujin.

"What you looking at?" Ryujin asked with a cold tone and it made baby Chaeryeong scared. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at Ryujin.

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