I woke with a start. As soon as I stopped freaking out I went to Chiron and told him about my dreams, not just that one, but the other ones."I feared." he said.
"What did you fear?" I asked.
"Have you ever heard of Jack of Blades?"
"Yes, he was medieval warrior."
"No, he was a medieval man possessed by a warrior."
"He was a Greek warrior, the best, he killed half of Sparta's army with a dagger and broken spear. One night in his sleep his wife slit his throat and now, every few hundred years, he possesses someone that he thinks will strong warrior and uses their abilities along with his own."
"Wait, he tried to possess me?"
"That's creepy, but why didn't he?"
"He realized that you have more skill than even him, and two warriors that powerful combined can't turn out good, so he was wise and left you alone.
"Okay then, I guess I'd better get to breakfast."
"Yes, you should.
I talked to Nico at breakfast, but it was just small talk, nothing serious. I barely ate, but Nico cleaned house. He had about three pounds of ham and maybe ten eggs.
After breakfast I went to pack. I threw in three changes of clothes, a jacket, in case we went somewhere cold, and a lot of bottled water, A LOT! After that I went to sword class (where I ruled) and then it was lunch time, but I wasn't hungry, and neither was Lestli. We talked about the prophecy and what it meant, then it hit me,"Ouranus," I said,"DA!"
"What?" Lestli asked, most likely puzzled.
"The Sky, I thought it meant Zeus, but..."
"I hope your wrong Jack, because we just beat Gaea, and we barely done it, but Ouranus is way worse." then she broke into tears,"I'm scared Jack, not because I have to go on the quest, but because I don't know if we can go through with this again, and deep down, I know your right."
"Lestli," I said,"I will die before any harm comes to you, you've opened up to me more than anyone... and that means something to me, not just something everything, you mean everything, even if we did just meet. I don't care."
"Jack, you're a great person, I don't deserve you." and then she kissed me. Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't like seeing her cry, but part of me was like, SCORE!
"Lestli, you're gonna be fine, I swear upon The River of Styx."
Now, swearing upon Styx mean bad mojo if you don't follow through with your promise, but I was going to, I had to.After lunch we loaded up in the van and Argus, our hundred eyed security cheif, drove us to the bus station. We had know idea where to go, but we knew asking directions wasn't going to help, I mean the prophecy said "The Forgotten Land", so we were clueless. Then I got an idea,(never good)if I were the sky god then I would have a palace in a very high place, like a mountain, but it couldn't be Olympus, and it would have to the highest of the highest,"Mount. Everest."
"What?" asked Jay.
"The Sky has to be Ouranus, and if he had a palace then it would be high, so why not the worlds tallest mountain?"
"Your a genius,"yelled Lestli," I remember a legend about something important being at the world's highest point that's got to be it, and my dad said few people know about it."
"How do you guys work like that?" asked jay" You just take the words from each other's mouth and always give something supportive for the other."
"Great minds think alike." said Lestli and I perfectly in sync.
"Like that! It's freakin' creepy." Lestli and stared at each other and laughed.
I thought of a problem, "How do we get to Asia though?"
"Oh man!" said Jay," I didn't think about that."
"Wait," I said,"Chiron said children of Hades could use the shadows to teleport, but can I do it that far?"
"You would just have to take one long jump Across the Atlantic," suggested Lestli,"then you could go a few hundred miles at a time."
"Good idea, well first, let's jump to Nova Scotia, then tomorrow night I'll shoot for Ireland. Hopefully we won't be lost in the endless abyss, hopefully.
That night we jumped to Nova Scotia and found small hotel to stay for the night. I immediately passed out, and I regretted it. I'm my dream the human sky form, I had assumed was Ouranus, was about to throw me off of Mount. Everest, but he was caught by surprise when a hunk of gold and rock shot through the ground and through me out of his reach, then he lunged at me and I sprang up in my bed.
I finally went back to bed and slept peacefully for the rest of the night.That next morning we ate breakfast at a small café. I had a sweet tea and a sausage biscuit, Lestli had a biscuit and gravy, and Jay just got a plain biscuit.
"You guys ready to make the jump tonight?" I asked.
"I guess," said Lestli.
"As I'll ever be," sighed Jay.
"First I have to grab some equipment from that surplus store I've yonder." I said.
"I need some stuff, too." said Lestli.
Once we finished we went to the surplus. I got a hunting knife, some rope, an Under Armour camp hoodie and a pair of terrain gloves so I didn't blister my hands like I did with the hydra.(it hurts) Lestli got a pair of boots, a quiver of arrows, and a hatchet. Jay stocked up on Coke and Beef Jerky.
Later on that night we stood by the bay facing the Atlantic. As we stood under the shadow of a tree I concentrated. Slowly we merged with the shadows and everything went black for a second. When light hit us it was blinding, but eventually our eyes adjusted. We were in downtown London. We found a big hotel and went in.
We got a suite on the top floor and the clerk gasped when she saw me thumbing through one thousand dollars. I laid down two hundred dollars and she handed me a key card,"Room 50-G."
"Thank you ma'am." I said. We walked to the elevator and got in.
"Where did you get that money?" said Jay.
"I sell meat in Alaska, and people pay about one hundred dollars for an Elk. They pay about two hundred for a bear, so it pays pretty good." I said.
"Okay, that explains it." I chuckled. We got to our suite and it was awesome; complete with a fridge, three rooms the size of my house, and everything else.
"Whoa," gasped Lestli.
"Two hundred bucks well spent." I said. We messed around for a few hours then ate lunch. The fridge was stalked with every food imaginable. After lunch we hit the hey and I dreamt of nothing too scary.

Revenge from Above
FantasyJackson Ash, a boy that just turned fourteen, has a problem; he doesn't remember the last thirteen years of his life like he used to. Instead, he has flashbacks of ancient Greek Temples and war. But there is a bigger problem, an old Greek god is com...