My hosue is flooding!

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"Dream?!" George yelled. George ran into the bathroom full of water to see Dream fast asleep. "Ugh...Dream! You flooded my house!" George shouts at Dream. "Oh..god— oh..sorry." Dream says with a nervous smile. George scoffs. "Well..can you hop out for a second and help me find towels...and clean the water..?" George said. "Mmhm..." Dream hums as he slides himself out of the tub (he doesn't have fucking legs ok.).

After a bit, they finally clean all the water up and Dream goes back to lying in the tub. "Okay— this time don't flood my house." George sighs. "I'll try not to.." Dream replied. "Good." George said firmly. "You got a really long tail.." George said as he stared at Dream's forest-y green tail. It was beautiful. "Is the tail the length of your legs?" George asked. "Yeah." Dream answered. "You got long legs.." George said. Dream smiled. "I can't tell if that was a compliment or an attempt to make fun of me." Dream chuckled. "Compliment.." George said, still staring at the long tail. Dream smiled even more.

*knock knock*

"Oh shit—" George said as he stood up. "Stay here." He said as he shut the bathroom door. George walks to his front door and opens it. "Will!" George says excitedly. He hasn't seen Wilbur in ages! "George! Hi!" Wilbur says back. "Uh- come in!" George smiles and holds the door open for Wilbur. Wilbur walks over and sits on the couch. "Hey will? Can I tell you something." George asks. Wilbur nods. " believe in mermaids...and mermen?" George asks. Wilbur shakes his head. "Well if you walk into my bathroom you will." George said. "What?! Really!" Wilbur exclaims. George nods. "Y'know..he's pretty cool..except he flooded my house this morning..anyways." George chuckles. Wilbur chuckles as well. "He's actually" George whispers. "WHAT?! You like him!" Wilbur smiles. "Shush! And..yeah.." Dream whispers the last part. "That's great man!" Wilbur smiles. George smiles as well as he looks off to the side. "Can...I see him? Please!" Wilbur asks. "Hold on then.." George smiles as he gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Hey." George says. "Who's out there?" Dream asked. "Oh my friend..he wants to meet he..?"

Fell in love with a merman..//dnfWhere stories live. Discover now