Chapter 8: Getting to Know Each Other Better

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"So, tell me about yourself."

Jesse stated, as him and Kitsune sat across from each other at the coffee shop. They both had warm drinks in front of them- Kitsune having a hot chocolate, and Jesse having an herbal tea. Jesse figured he'd make the most of getting to know her better, so he started with a straight to the point question.

Afterall, it was easier than regular small talk- something he was absolutely dreadful at.

"Hmm, let me think..." Kitsune thought for a moment, twirling her hair around her finger. "Oh! Well, I used to go to art school." She started.

"Nothing ever came of it- though I guess I do commissions sometimes. It pays the bills and stuff. I like working from home- as you can definitely guess, being a Chastiser makes it difficult to have a regular nine-to-five." She chuckled.

"Art school, hm? That's interesting- I didn't know you draw." Jesse commented.

"There was never a good time to mention it until now, I guess." The redhead shrugged. "I have a bunch of doodles back at home of the monsters I've seen. Husks, giant spiders, whatever the hell that thing back at the abandoned railway project- all of that." She explained.

"Oh, um... Speaking of... that, how are you doing now? Because like- you seemed like... That whole mess really messed with you. So I thought I'd ask." She asked, feeling a bit concerned.

Jesse smiled a bit. "I'm doing a bit better, thank you." He answered. "Though, I suppose you wouldn't be wrong... It's just- I've never lost so many people in a single case. And knowing Maigata was killed simply for getting help..." He shook his head. "I'm sorry- I don't think I'd like to talk about this anymore." He stated.

"That's perfectly fine, Jesse." Kitsune assured, patting his hand on the table. "Anyways- that's enough about me. Tell me some stuff about you." She said, changing the subject. She couldn't really think of anything else she could mention- aside from the Chastiser business, her life was pretty boring otherwise.

...Unless you count a certain something that led her to where she is, but that isn't important right now.

Jesse fidgeted a bit, passing a hand through his hair. He wasn't particularly sure what to say. Up until the... Institution, his life had been pretty uneventful. And there was no way in the nine circles of Hell that he was going to tell her about that mess.

"Well... There really isn't that much to tell, if I'm honest with you." He stated, messing with his sleeves. "I suppose I write sometimes- though sadly I was never good enough to make it to shelves." He shrugged.

"Wait- you write? That's awesome! Can you ever show me some of your work some time?" Kitsune asked, eager.

"Oh, uhhh... Sure, I suppose! Next time we see each other, I'll bring one of my books for you. I warn you, it isn't anything super spectacular." Jesse responded.

"Oh, I'm sure it's fine! What kinda stuff do you write, anywho?" Kitsune asked, leaning forward a but.

Crap, it was this question. Jesse knew it would come up eventually, but he still dreaded it. It was somewhat embarrassing to answer, mainly because it seems no one ever expected him to write this type of genre. "Err... Just- romance novels." He responded, glancing away from slight embarrassment.

"Romance, huh? That's cool! I've always been more of a true crime and horror person." The redhead chirped.

"Horror, you say? I must admit- due to this job of ours, I try to distance myself from horror." Jesse remarked.

"Heh, reasonable. But the way I see it is- what's fake horror compared to the real stuff? Makes it kinda funny in a way, y'know?" Kitsune shrugged.

Jesse hummed a bit, shrugging as well. "Fair enough."

"So! What'd you graduate college for, if I may ask? Your house is pretty big- and I have a few suspicions it didn't come from Chastiser money." Kitsune asked, before adding- "Mine either though- the money for my place came from my... Old job."

...Yeah, he'd have to ask about that later, it seemed.

Jesse was a bit hesitant to answer for a bit. "...Well... I used to be a surgeon. Though, I guess I technically still am? It's... complicated, to say the least. I won't go into it, but let me put it this way- at this point in time, I'm considered an unofficial surgeon." He explained.

"Hm, I see." Kitsune nodded in understanding. "Thanks for answering. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Oh, it's fine. Besides, I'm sure you would've been curious at some point anyways... Maybe -and that's a big maybe- I'll tell you the full story... I suppose we'll see." He stated.

Before long, it was time for the newfound friends to head home. Kitsune had a cat to feed, and Jesse was feeling rather tired. Besides, they both needed their rest.

They had a new case together- coming very soon, in fact.

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