Chapter 11: The Seataur

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(I think that's my lamest pun to date.)

Jesse quickly lit the lantern he kept, running into the cave with Kitsune beside him. Kitsune had long since unzipped the sides of her skirt, giving her more mobility. In her hand was one of her a smaller blades- yet it made her job efficient. Back in her assassin days, she'd often use the weapon to cleanly and effectively cut her targets' throats. Those were the simple days.

"Ugh- it's so hard to see- even with the lantern!" Jesse grunted in annoyance, as they looked around. Kitsune glanced around in the darkness, sweeping her foot over the floor.

"Hmm.. I have an idea. Follow my lead." Kitsune said, taking his hand and walking him to the wall. She kept one hand on the wall, using her feet to feel around. "Sometimes, I'd have to cut the power to the houses my targets lived at. After some times of doing it, you kinda figure out ways to navigate the dark." She explained.

"Hm, I see. Quite impressive." Jesse commented, speaking quietly. The lantern and this new little strategy of Kitsune's seemed to be working quite well!

"If I may ask, Kitsune, how did you even-" Jesse interrupted himself, noticing as Kitsune suddenly stopped. "...What's the matter?" He asked.

"...Look down." Kitsune replied, her voice somewhat stilted.

Jesse blinked, looking down in front of them. As soon as he saw what it was that made Kitsune stop, he quietly gasped. It was an arm. No body, just a disembodied, bloodied arm.

"...Oh..." Was all Jesse could say.

"Yeah, I think that means we're getting closer. Come on. And watch your step- there's water. We fall in there, it's a death sentence. I can still see the sentient algae." Kitsune explained.

After navigating the tunnels -and running into more disembodied limbs on both the path and in the water- Kitsune and Jesse finally found themselves in a bigger clearing. They ducked behind a large rock, peering into the room. Random blood splatters were located across the floor. The only light was a large crack from the mountain above, letting sunlight seep through. Vines with some sort of unknown species of flower (given the nature of the Forest, it was probably poisonous) hung from the ceiling. The place would've been beautiful.

If not for the monstrosity that sat in the giant pool of water, repeatedly slamming some unfortunate human into the ground.

It was... definitely a strange sight. It had a strangely horse-like head, but its teeth were razor sharp- like a piranha. If it had its mouth closed, it would've looked like a regular horse. Well, if you ignored the fact that its giant body was similar to that of an octopus. It used its large tentacles to slam its prey into the ground- either to incapacitate, or break its victims apart like glass dolls.

"Fucking hell..." Kitsune muttered, completely shocked. "I've seen my fair share of bullshimmery as a Chastiser but this- this take the cake.."

Finally, the human was dead. They were covered in bruises, yet the seataur -as Kitsune decided to call it- didn't care. It ate its prey like it was starving. Kitsune and Jesse glanced at each other, nodding in affirmation. Kitsune reached into her pocket, smirking as she pulled out two smoke bombs.

They were sure to make quick work of this abomination.

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