0.0 Prologue

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- Third Person POV - 

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- Third Person POV - 

"You are to go to boarding school, whether you like it or not" Raphael handed a letter to each one of the Monroe's that were still at school.

"You can't do that, I am in my final year, I can't just transfer. I have friends, sports, dedications, but most of all, years of hard work that will be washed down the drain, so no, I don't care what you say, you aren't Alessandro, so I don't care what you say" Giovanni threw the piece of paper that had been handed to him back at Raphael. He hadn't even bothered to read it.

"You can't tell us what to do, you aren't our brother" Diego stopped reading the letter, letting it fall out of his hands and towards the ground. He left the room after Giovanni.

No matter what any of them were going to say, Raphael would not change his mind, not even for his farfalla.

"This a piece of bullshit. As soon as Alessandro leaves with Ace to somewhere, everything changes, and you just expect us to be ok with that. After everything you have witnessed being around us, you still think it is ok to do this to us?" Leonardo shoved the paper in Raphael's face, anger coursing through his veins.

Raphael didn't care what they said to him; he had witnessed worse. He was doing it for their safety, or so he thought he was.

The Russians were back, and they would not back down for anyone, not even to Raphael. So, he had sent Ace and Alessandro away to sort out business, or so he thought they were doing business.

He had dealt with their anger before, only merely a week ago when they arrived back from Italy. But what they didn't expect was to come back to their childhood home in flames; everything they owned burned to the ground, making the move real.

The had to move to New Jersey, whether they liked it or not.

They didn't get the chance to gather their things, rather seeing some of their clothes or items they had left behind covered in soot. None of the photos they had on the walls could be saved.

Memories had been vanished while they were gone.

Some people were luckier than others, rather packing most of their things with them, but some lost almost everything.

So, here they were, in New Jersey, two days out of going to boarding school. Letters had been addressed to each Monroe's, letting them know what dorm they would be, a map of the school, what locker they had, etc.

But some people were still not happy about it.

"Georgia" a voice started, bringing the girl who was reading her letter, out of her trance. She looked up at the person, a frown formed on her face. "What's wrong?" he questioned.

"Something just doesn't feel right; like something is off" she muttered, barely hearing herself say the words. "What do you mean?" Theo continued, looking at the girl with concern.

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