When Jaqui first started running off, Jay assumed it was just a boy. When she started coming home with cuts and bruises, he knew something was wrong. When she came home as late as 1 in the morning, out of her mind, he confronted her about it. It probably wasn't best to ask her when she was presumably high, because she muttered something about aliens before passing out. But this time was different. She was desperate to get away, she wouldn't even trust her brother with this. What was happening?
Jay, knowing danger was arising, ran to his room. He scribbled out a note to their father, explaining that Jaqui was in danger and he needed to follow. He stuffed a backpack with random supplies. Canned foods, money, and bandages.
He bolted out of the Shack, and ran towards the woods, carefully following Jaqui's bouncing hair.
"Finally, you ready?" Darren asked, clapping his hands together.
"As always, but how will we get there?" Jaqui asked, looking around at the empty clearing. When she turned around, Darren and Criss were gone. "Guys?"
There was a rustling in a nearby bush, and she turned around to see nothing. Weird. Suddenly, a bunch of trees were knocked down, and a gust of wind arose. When Jaqui turned back around, a huge aircraft was rising, giving off a faint blue aura.
"Wow," she whispered, as the circular craft rose and hovered above her. A single ladder fell, and Jaqui grabbed on and started climbing. She was about half way up before it started rising by itself. She was too scared to look down. Heights are terrifying. Once she was able, she climbed from the rope ladder onto the Craft, with assistance from Criss.
"Welcome aboard the Maiden," She greeted, and help Jaqui recompose. The room was small and garage-like. A single non rope ladder wasagainst the wall, leading to an upper deck. The two walked towards it, Jaqui was taken aback.
Where she entered was a closet, when she came out of the closet, she was breathless. The floor was smooth, light reflecting off of the white floors. The walls were white also, but they were shining and smooth. Instead of corners, there were curves, as if it was one huge circle. The kitchen was white, the living room was white, it was all white and smooth. the white couch had bright orange pillows on it, and the white coffee table had a sleek white vase with orange carnations. A black flat screen television hung from the wall, with no visible wires. In the hallways leading to back rooms, was a huge window. Jaqui looked down from the window, and nearly threw up. Heights were not her forte, and never will be. She shook the thought from her head, and Darren and Criss began giving her a tour. There were three floors, but they refused to show Jaqui the third floor.
"Why, what's up there?" She asked, looking at the stairs that lead up.
"It's just an attic. Don't worry about it," Darren said, lightly grabbing her arm and leading her away.
"Hey, can we do the 'Thing'." Jaqui asked, becoming excited.
"Oh, yes! Darren, let's do the thing!" Criss shouted, punching the air.
"Fine, you two can do the thing, but you don't have to ask me, I'm only 7 minutes older." Darren replied, sounding thoroughly annoyed.
"Ok, yes, Jaqu, grab my arm," Criss said excitedly, holding it out.
Jaqui rushed over, and lightly grabbed onto her arm.
"Oh gosh, yea I'm ready."
A smoke appeared from Criss' feet, enveloping the two until they couldn't be seen. With a whoosh, they were gone.

Demons of Mars
ActionAliens are stereotyped. Green with huge eyes. But what if they looked, lived, and loved, just like humans? *This is a story based off of a fanfiction I wrote for Gravity Falls a hella long time ago. I've decided to re-write it for a class assignmen...