Chapter 41

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Avery's POV
I looked at the screen. My babies, our babies. My mate gripped my hand as we heard the clear, but strong heart beats of our children. It had been a month, yes a month and I was big. Since we both have Alpha blood, and I'm a white wolf this pregnancy would be faster then most.

"They sounds strong and look healthy" Mia commented as she moved the monitor on my stomach. "You only have three months left, and we are able to tell the genders!" she chirped happily. Eros became stiff when she mentioned genders "congratulations Alpha and Luna your having two boys!" Mia said happily.

My breath hitched in my throat, hazily I remember her wiping the hell off my stomach and my mate hugging me. I hugged him back, me sobbing into his shirt. "Shhh" he cooed and and rocked one foot to foot, he rubbed circles on my back. "Two healthy baby boys" I whispered happily, he beamed at me and captured my lips.

"A symbol of our love" he said on my lips, "I love you" I smiled weakly at him "and I love you" he nuzzled my mark and lifted me in his arms. I faintly remember begin carried to our room and being laid in bed.

I woke up to sun light streaming through the cracked curtains, it created the perfect look. I blinked and stretched my tired limbs, "good morning" my mates husky voice whispered in my ear. "Good morning" I grinned and turned my head to kiss his full lips, "it is now" he said "so cheesy" I muttered.

"You love it" he sighed and pulled me closer to him by my waist, "that I do" I kissed his chest. "I still can't believe it" he murmured and laid a hand on my stomach, "I'm going to be a father" he said happily. My heart swelled when I saw the love in his eyes, "and I'm going to be a mom" I smiled happily.

Deep down I was panicking, would I be a good enough mom?

"You'll be an amazing mom" Eros whispered encouragingly "you said that out loud" he frowned slightly "oh". Silence fell over the room. So many things were buzzing in my mind, I didn't notice him kissing his mark.

"Don't doubt yourself Avery, you'll be a great mom" his lips brushed against my skin, his hot breath made me shiver. "It's just...after my mom I wonder" I spoke quietly, thanks to wolf hearing I know he heard me. "Don't you dare drag them into this" he warned me growling lowly.

"Keller and Alex are our parents Avery, not those pieces of shit" he growled angry now. I flinched at the growl, Ava didn't like him being angry. "Avery are you having second thoughts?" he growled royally pissed down. His eyes were black and his canines were coming out.

Fear erupted in my heart and spread like a disease.

"You are, aren't you?" he laughed humorlessly, in a swift movement I was sitting alone on our bed. "Why am I not surprised? I should have know!" he shouted,the tears flowed freely down my cheeks. "You don't really love me, it's all a game isn't it? Your just like everyday girl" he roared.

My body went cold, did he just call me a gold digger? He thinks I'm only using him? Jesus Christ! I gave him everything! I AM CARRYING HIS PUPS! I bear his mark, I wear his ring.

Is that not enough?

The door slamming shut made me jump, he's gone. Sniffling I stood up and showered, he needs time to cool down. After showering I dressed in yoga pants and one of his shirts, I dried my hair then threw it in a bun. I needed my mom.

Walking out of our room I started walking to my parents, I managed to keep the tears at bay and my face like stone. "Avery what are you doing here?" Mom asked when I showed up, "baby what's wrong?" she opened her arms. I launched myself in them, sobbing.

I explained the whole fit her threw, she just listened and hugged me. "It'll be ok, he will come around" she soothed me by rubbing my arms. "Just relax, all this stress isn't good for the babies" she said softly. I knew she was right, I took deep breaths to calm myself.

"Better?" she asked once I was calm, I only nodded. I could feel myself slowly slipping away. I was slipping back into my shell, a dark but quiet place.

I welcomed it.

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