Chapter 46

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Avery's POV
"Will you tell me?" Tate asks while we sit in his office. I was on his lap with his arms wrapped around me. "Of course" I say, shifting I lay my head in the crook of his neck. "Please don't cry for me" I whisper before I begin.

"When I was born, I didn't have a voice. My parents disowned me and I was labeled omega. As I grew older people became even more rude, it started with my parents, then my older brother, then my twin. And soon the whole pack.

I was a punching bag/cook that couldn't talk, and I only had one friend. It was my eighteenth birthday when I ran. I was serving drinks for the pack when I was called over by my father. Someone pushed me and the drunks spilled on my father.

He raised his hand at me, that was the first time he had hit me. I left that day. Keller found me about to be killed by a hunter when he saved me. I was adopted and loved from then on.

The day I was introduced to the pack, rouges attacked. I killed both of them making me their Alpha, we became and actual pack. But I longed for my mate. Someone to love me for who I was.

At the annual ball is when I saw him, I knew he was mine. That night before he marked me I spoke. From then on I was able to speak, sure we had our fights but I loved him. When I went into heat, that's when I got pregnant with the twins.

Long story short he thought I didn't want them, yelled at me and I became depressed. My brothers got me out, but my family came and we decided to come here from my choice. And it all leads up to here" I say, I let one tear squeeze out.

But more followed.

My tears ran down my cheeks, down his neck, others my nose. "I'm so sorry" Tate whispers in my ear. His hand cups my cheek and pulls my face from his neck, he kisses each one of my tears away.

"God I'm sorry" he whispers against my cheeks, even thought we had just met I loved him. This was meant to be, this was my fate. "What's your story?" I ask him win a thick voice. His eyes harden, a look of angry passes over his face.

"I had parents, they loved me and taught me everything I know. But one day rouges attacked us, and I lost them. I was eighteen much like you at the time, soon after I recused my 'mate' from a band of rouges.

I quickly fell in love with her, it was like magic. A year passes by and I found out she was pregnant with a pup, but not mine. I was furious and demanded she tell me the truth, turns out she was the rouges leader.

She killed my parents.

Then she killed herself in front of me. She killed the pup, my love, and my life. I burned her body and left it on the front steps of the rouges home. From then on I was cold hearted and bitchy.

That was two years ago, I'm twenty two now and I have you." He smiles sadly at me, I lean up and peck his lips. "Sounds like you had it worse then me" I saw while looking into his eyes. "Avery don't say that" he whispers brokenly.

"You were beaten and mistreated and you had no voice to speak. Your old mate is an ass and you still smile. So please don't ever say that I had it worse" he says lowly making my eyes water again.

"What are we gonna name our babies?" I ask randomly trying to distract myself, "I don't know" he admits blushing under his tan skin. "Well we will had to think about that" I giggle and lean up again.

Our lips were so close....."Alpha! Oh my god!" A gravely voice says surprised. Tatum closes his eyes and exhales angrily, "Rick now is not the time" Tate growls his eyes black. "And who might you be?" Rick asks me ignoring my mate.

"I'm your Luna" I deadpan making his mouth drop open, "if you would be so kind my mate and I would like sometime to ourselves" I say coolly making him nod. Robotically he leaves with a soft click of the door.

"Now where were we?" He asks eyeing my lips, giggling I lean down and press my lips to his.  "Mmhhh" I hum and pull back, "what?" Tate asks chuckling, "I think it's time for lunch" I say happily and climb down from his lap.

"When are they babies due?" He asks while I pull out the stuff for cheesy pasta. "A month or so" I say while humming a tune. While the pasta noddles were cooking he came around and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Cooking never looked so hot" he says while playfully nipping at my mark. "Well the steam is hot...." I trail off while fighting off my laugher. Tatum scowls at me, "your killing me woman" he groans.

"You'll live" I tease him with a kiss on the lips. "I'm going to take a cold shower" he grumbles and gives me another kiss. "Enjoy!" I call after him, laying a hand on my tummy I hum a tune again.

The pasta was almost done, my mouth was watering. It smelled so good. "Avery!" My mate says happily while coming into the kitchen. "Tatum!" I respond while kissing his lips.

"Looks good" he says eyeing the pasta. "Men" I roll my eyes and drain the noddles, I melt butter and pour them over the noddles then add the cheesy sauce. Tatum takes out two bowls and I fill them.

"So who to you feel about meeting my pack members?" He asks me nervously, "Tate I would love to" I say while taking his hand. He lets out a breath of relief and runs files on the back of my hand.

We eat and talk, getting to know each other. Later that night when we were laying in bed I whisper something that I told my ex-mate so many times but never like this. This meant more then it ever had.

When I said this to him I felt something inside of me snap. It was like a plug in an outlet, I got it then. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, it crashed on me like waves on the beach.

I didn't care that we had just met, I cared for him.

I love him.

"Tate?" I say quietly, his eyes were drooping shut telling me he was half asleep. "Yes love?" He asks his voice thick with sleep, I took a deep breath and looked at him with my shining eyes.

"Te amo"
Pic of Tate!

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