GoodMorning ⛅️

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I open my eyes & look over to see Bianca knocked out with her hair all over the place . I smile & start moving her hair out her face "Damn she's so pretty " I think
I wonder how she would react if I kissed her , either she'd kiss me back or slap me . Well it's too early to risk getting slapped so I won't even try. I go in the bathroom & shut the door
Maybe I should take her out somewhere tonight ,
Since last nights date shifted into a sleepover .
I take out my phone & call my mom
She answers sleepily " hello ?"
" hey ma , you ok ?"
" yeah , my head hurts though . Wait , where are you ?"
" I spent the night over a friends house "
" Okay , be safe & when you come home we'll talk"
" ok I love you "
" I love you too baby "
I hang up & put my phone down ,
Then I heard the door squeak open a little ,
Bianca peeped her eye through the crack in the door
" Bianca I can see you 😂 "
Petty ass
She laughs & walks in
" now what if I was taking a shit ? " I said
" Eww , you trifling " she said as she nudges my arm
I look at her & smile
" what ? Do I have eye boogers ?"
" nah , you just so pretty "
She mutters out a thank you , then she tries to hold back her smile.
" I had fun with you last night " I said
" I did too , "
" look , how about tonight I take you on a real date tonight."


Kae asked me on a real date ..
I like Kae , but this would still be my first REAL date just like it would've been last night .
But fine , I can't say no to her for some reason
" Where would we be going ? "
She smiles at me & says " don't worry about it , just know it's gonna be the best date you've ever had "
I smile & look at the floor
" I never been on a date.."
" Seriously ?"
" yeah , "
She actually looked happy after I said that ,
" so Ima be your first ? "
She smirks & looks me with excitement in her eyes .
" in a way , yes ."
She moves closer to me & licks her lips
" well now I really can't wait "
I felt chills run down my back & I got goosebumps
" so this is how things about to go ,
I'm about to go home , get dressed , & come back for you at 7 , sounds good ? "
I nod my head yes & smile
Damn I barely know this girl & she's already been in my house , in my room , & she's about to take me on a date .
I feel like I'm being too trusting with this girl
& she's still kinda a stranger
but fuck it .
I don't have shit else to do

I get my stuff together & tell Bianca goodbye ,
I get in my car & drop my head on the steering wheel
This shit is so new to me , usually I just fw girls temporarily , get the pussy & dip out ,
& I just asked this girl I randomly met on " the best date ever " ?
Wtf am I thinking
She's just so damn beautiful & when I look into them eyes ,
She have me wrapped around her finger
She come up to the car
Damn I forgot I was still in front of her house
I roll down my window
" Are you ok ? "
" yea , I just was making sure I had everything "
" oh okay "
She walks always & I drop my head on the steering wheel again ,
I got issues
I pick up my head & push the start on my car & drive off.
I wonder how my mom doing , I hope she's not drunk again
I finally get home
& my mom is passed out on the couch with a bottle of liquor in her hand ,
" Ma ? "
She jumped up & looked me as if I was a intruder .
" hey baby " she slurred
She was beyond drunk
I scooped her up & put her in her bed & tucked her in
Once she was under the covers she was KO again
She doesn't need to do this , & I hope this isn't a everyday thing
I'm gonna HAVE to find my father & confront him about leaving us
& ask him why
I left & closed the door behind me
I go to the bathroom & do my hygiene things & finally get dressed when my phone rang
It was a unknown number
" hello ?"
" Wassup nigga !"
It was my best friend Brian
Me & him been friends since the diaper days
He's always had my back & vice versa
" What's good fam ?"
" Shit everything , I seen the finest girl at the McDonald's the other day , gave her my number now I'm waiting for her to call "
" if she calls 😂"
" Shut up ! They always do "
His cocky ass , think he the shit because he's light skinned .
" wait nigga why you calling me from a unknown number ?"
" Ooo yeahh , this my trap phone & I don't want nobody to have my number "
This nigga dumb
" Nigga you slow , "
" or am I ? "
" you are 😂 , BUT ANYWAYS I met me a girl too tho, she fine asf & I'm takin her on a date tonight "
" WAIT , A DATE ?" He yells through the phone hurting my ears & shit
" NIGGA STOP YELLING IN MY EAR, but yeah , a date "
" she must really be fine Frfr or got the best pussy on earth "
" I haven't even seen it yet! but its not even about that she just special to me for some reason "
Then this nigga have the audacity to start cracking up laughing at me
" nigga bye , after a couple days y'all gone fall out & you gone be on another hoe"
" I guess we gone have to see "
I hang up on him & call Bianca
" hello ?"
" Wassup , you ready ?"
" almost , by the time you get here I will though , I just have to finish my hair"
" alr I'll call you when I'm outside "
We say goodbye & hang up
Before I leave I decide to check on my mom
She was watching tv & looked like she had sobered up some
" hey ma "
" hey baby , where you going ?"
" I got a date " I smile hard asf
" a real date ?? "
" nah mom a fake one " I say sarcastically
" watch your mouth you never too old for a whooping "
I smile & walk toward her
I give her a big hug & a sloppy kiss on the cheek
She wipes her cheek & gives me a look
" irritating ass , well I don't want to hold you up , go ahead & have fun but not too much fun "
" ma will you be ok here by yourself ?"
She looks down " of course honey , I'm done drinking , I gotta be looking out for you & making sure my baby ok "
I smile & walk toward the door
" alr , I'll be back , love you "
She yells as I walk out
Damn I can't wait until I see Bianca ,
She probably look amazing , I get in the car , start it , & I start to drive to her house
I caught myself starring into space & start thinking about her smile
I heard someone honk their horn & I snap my self awake & focus back on the road
Damn that was close .
I look behind me & before I could look behind me someone crashed into me & I hit my head hard asf on the steering wheel & glass was shattering on me
The next thing I know I was seeing white & felt myself getting weak
" damn it Bianca " I think as I slowly fade into unconsciousness.


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