This is a Creepypasta X reader <3
[Y/n] is a highly skilled assassin that lives on the edge of the Slender woods. Once Slenderman relizes they aren't the only killers in the woods, he sends his creepypasta's out to look for the 'unkown...
I felt the sun's Ray's against my body. I groaned and got out of bed VERY grumpily. "Time to get ready for this annoying day-"I said as i walked over to my bathroom. I did my usual morning routine like brushing my [H/l] [H/c] hair and brushing my teeth. Ya know the usual :]. "Should i spend my money unnecessarily on coffee-Or make my own at home-" I said at loud to my self "I DONT FEEL LIKE ADULTING TODAY! OR BEING A MATURE IDIOT! SO IMA SPEND MY FUCKING MONEY!" i screamed to myself in the mirror With my hands on my hips with a Wide grin. I ran out the bathroom and grabbed my shoes and slipped them on as i hopped around. After i put my [F/c] Shoes on i grabbed my mini bag that contained my keys, my money, credit cards, driver's license and my phone charger. "Wait where is my baby-!" I said to myself. I ran upstairs and checked my nightstand. I took a sigh of relief as i carefully picked my precious phone up and put it in my pocket of my [F/c] Shorts. "Ok now we can go,"i ran to the stairs. And jumped over them "HAH I DID IT!!" I yelled in victory. I walked out to my black Convertible. I got into my car as i set my bag in the passenger seat. I started the car as the car roared. I drove all the way to my favorite coffee place...STARBUCKS [if you don't like Starbucks then replace it with another coffee place <3] I drove to the amazing heaven as my bluetooth Blared my favorite song-[Insert favorite song name] once i got there i parked my car and walked in. The smell of coffee hit me like a bullet. Oh wait-it was a bullet- "ow-?"I said or more like questioned as i slowly turned around to face the robber "GET ON THE GROUND AND SLIDE ALL OF YOUR VALUABLES TO THE MIDDLE!" said the robber who had a white face mask and Blue eyes, he held a kitchen knife? He stood next to a guy with a navy blue mask. I just stood there staring at my hoodie that was now stained red with MY blood. 'Oh how much they are going to regret making me miss my coffee....AND STAINING MY FAVORITE HOODIE'i thought as i slowly got onto the floor so it looked like i was listening. But in reality i was zoning out...I saw that one of the robbers was twitching constantly- i looked around in my peripheral vision to find a weapon of any sort- I saw a window that was shattered- "AY" said one of the robbers as he SLAPPED ME- "didnt you hear what he said?!"He screamed in my ear "Yes indeed i did-Im not deaf-But i might be now" I said Cold tone-But to be honest i did have sass in my voice "Then put your valubles in the middle stupid woman-!" He said angrily as he stormed off.I didnt listen. Instead i snuck over to the glass shards. I picked one up and stood up. "Didnt your parents teach you to take all of the weapons away from the victims when robbing a store?" I said teasingly as I threw the glass shard at the twitching boy "GAH, O-OW!" he winced as he slowly sat down. "You just dont listen do you!"yelled the boy who slapped me. He had raven black hair, blue eyes and white bleached skin. "Your right i dont listen to idiot Joker rejects!"I said as i grinned from ear to ear as I Kicked him in his 'No No Square' "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed as he fell to the ground. "yall are stupid-" said the last robber. He Tried to SHOOT ME.LIKE MY GOD DUDE. " nice dodging skills-"He complimented. "Thanks-?"I questioned. I thew a knife that the other dude dropped. And it hit him right in the Side,Damaging some vital organs. "Someone call the police-" I ordered to the other citizens behind me.The dude i stabbed got up and pulled the knife out of his Side and he stabbed me in my side where the bullet wound was. He dug the knife into my side as soon as i realized there was a knife in my side-I kicked him in his 'no no square' aswell. After the police arived they arrested the three men,"Thank you ma'am"One of the citizens said. "Huh- oh no problem" I responded with the widest grin plastered on my face."U-uh do you relize you got stabbed-And shot-?" The same citizen asked, "wait i did-?Eh ill fix it later.Bye!"I said as I walked out of the coffee shop without my coffee because of the events that happened. I went home and checked my emails to see i had YET another mission "UGHHHH AGAIN"I groaned to myself.I waited a couple hours as i cared for my wounds as the night painted the sky. Once it was dark I put my assassin Uniform on and i Fixed my hair so it wouldnt be in the way. I checked my email and read all the details, Writing them down
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[Just replace purple with your favorite color if you want-Btw you can add or remove anything on this outfit im just giving yall ideas! :]] Of you can add a mask of some sort <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name:Dug Walker [Idk what this name is tbh-You can change it if you want idc] Age:29 Address:*** *******
"Hmmm-" i said as i scrolled through all of the information given. I clicked out of the email and clicked another email Name:Emily Spinner Age:10 Address:*** **** "Wait-thats the orphanage-AM I GOING TO-"i started to say- but i just shook it off- i powered my Chromebook off and walked out with all of my necessary items such as weapons-My phone and keys and a empty bag AND MY BEAUTIFUL WEAPONS. ●•Time skip to when you get to dugs home°○ I Looked around the building. Once i saw a open window i scaled the building to the window.I carefully snuck in but i stopped in by tracks when i saw through the doorway a dude and girl making out on the couch. I looked around the room to find a closet or something to hide in for a bit-To my suprise i fit in the cabinet in there. I heard a quiet thud come from the window i came through-I heard some quiet but audible footsteps come my way-I got my knife ready to stabby stab the person who opened the cabinet door.Once the door opened i stabbed guy in the leg twice- I heard a quick breathe from the guy- "Wth!"He whispered yelled- "Hi? Who tf are you and why are you here?"I whispered, pointing my knife at him. "Im here to kill someone-What else?Why are YOU here"He said in a matter-of-fact voice. "Same reason i guess you can say-"I said scooting farther into the cabinet to make some room. "Thanks i guess-"He whispered- I finally took in his appearance,He had a green hat and a legends of zelda themed outfit on, he had blonde messy hair. IT LOOKED SO FUCKING SOFT. "What cant stop staring?"He teased. "Im just seeing how UGLY you are"I said quietly. A few minutes later we heard the shower running in the bathroom. And some heavy breathing in the living room. "Move-"I demanded. "Why?"He asked "So i can get my victim and move on?"I said.He nodded and opened the cabinet and crawled out. "Thanks i guess-"I said as i took [F/c] Katana out of its Sheath. "Damn"I heard the dude whisper,I snuck around to the doorway and peaked over to see a dude on the couch breathing heavily. i snuck over to who i assumed was Dug-.I quickly covered his mouth with my gloved hand."Damn seems you had fun~Now its my turn"I say as i slit his throat and stabbed his heart,I quickly took a picture of his body. I looked back to see the dude who was in the cabinet with me dragging the girl towards the window he came from "Damn have to get a dead girl to have fun-"I teased. He just flicked me off and jumped out the window, i just shrugged and went to the orphanage for my next victim
A/n Hi my beautiful/Handsome/GORGEOUS people who put up with my fucking stupid-ness <3 :3 i hope you have a good night/Day/Afternoon. IK TOBY CANT FEEL ANYTHING JUST PRETEND Also who should y/n be shipped with Word count:1498 I Love yall byee!!!!