A Kaiju Kid's Dilemma

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A/N: My first original story here lol. I did try to make ine a while back but my phone broke and my progress was lost. I didn't have any dedication or inspiration to work on a new one till these past two days.

So I've been watching Pacific Rim: Black and this idea suddenly came to mind while watching it.

For the sake of not getting the FBI on me, everyone is like 4 years older than canon. So characters like Taylor and Hayley are like 23 and 19 respectively. Mei is also like 23. b0y is still mysteriously aged but for thr sake of this mini story he's an 18 year old who's body got compressed so he wouldn't turn into a full sized kanji yada yada some other BS.

Don't read and then report if you don't like this stuff. Yeah it's a bit niche and going into dangerous categories but don't be a dick about it

Side note: Compared to the actual series where everything has happened in a matter of days, this story takes place in another time where they manage to catch their breath a bit after axeing Copperhead so things are slower and relaxed.


After defeating copperhead the rag tag group settled into a hotel ruins for the night. Altas Destroyer siits outside in a crouched position in case they needed to haul out in a moment's notice. The night had fallen quickly as Mei took first watch. Hayley slept on a bed with Boy as Taylor took the one in a nearby room next door. They were all exhausted after defeating Copperhead and Boy seemed a little restless since his first Kaiju transformation. A rustle in bed as Boy got off from the bed, carefully slipping away from Hayley's protective arm to not disturb her. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. A welling up feeling inside him along with a strange swell in the boxers-like garment that remained after his transformation. The shape protruded against the fabric and throbbed hard in a repeated pattern. He winced at the sudden throb and grabs at it as he makes his way to the smaller room connected to where they were sleeping.

The bathroom, a small area with a step in tub and a toilet nearby. The water gone stale from not being used in years. Another throbbing sensation makes him shudder and groan in annoyance. He wanted to tear at the pulsing bulge but the back of his head said not to. Sitting on the covered seat of the toilet, he began to tug at the garments covering his strange bulge. He always wore this garment ever since Hayley found him in the test tube but never had thought of looking under. A soft tug down as he revealed the anomalous feature he had developed. A thick rod shape slowly uncurled and shot up straight when he pulled back the garment enough. As thick as the mugs he had drunk the hot sweet stuff earlier in the day but much taller than them. Comparing it to his arm, it matched his forearm from elbow to wrist. It had pale skin on the outside like his but the tip was a red color. Looking further down the rod shape was two fairly large orb shapes in the same skin tone. They felt like they were dangling from the base of this tube and were certainly heavy with some sort of liquid inside.

Curiosity was getting the better of him at this point, as was the throbbing feeling. A sudden pulse from the tip of this tube shape shuddering through his whole body.  It didn't feel as sharp as it did earlier when he had it tucked away. Maybe it was better to keep it out like this. He reached out with one hand and grips it. A bit too hard at first as he winced and gasped not realizing his strength was a bit much even for him. He covers his mouth with his hands as he heard the bed shift. Hayley was still sound asleep as she turned over in bed. Boy sighs quietly and returns to figuring out what this appendage was meant for. It seemed hard for something with a sponge-like feel to it, the orbs were another story as they felt like eggs. Boy had snuck a feel of the Kaiju eggs back in Bogan, so he had something to give resemblance to his orbs.

The poking and prodding continued for a bit as Boy explored every inch he could. Grazing the exposed red part of the tube with his finger made him feel tingly. He avoided it for the time being but once everything else was explored, he returned to it once more as that was the only part left to properly examine. A finger along the edge just where the skin was pulled back by the swollen shape. Teeth gritted as the tingling was more intense the more prolonged he touched. His breathing increasing in pace as he attempted longer and longer rounds of grazing. The pad on his finger soon approached the thin slit at the center of his appendage. Resting his finger at the entrance with sharp breathes, he presses against it.

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