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Third person pov:

They where all sitting on the red chairs. Or well. Not all of them. Dream was walking from side to side of the small corridor. His breath was heavy and his hands where Shaking. He heard someone call out for him, to sit down. But he didn't listen. He just kept on walking. He looked at his friends. They where looking back at him, worried.

"Dream" He looked to the right side of the line with chairs. Wilbur stood up and walked to him. Putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault" he said it again. The same sentence his friends had been trying Dream to agree to for the past hour. But dream wouldn't believe it. It was all his fault. Well. Maybe a little bit Jessie's fault too. Or well. Maybe only Jessie's fault. But Dream didn't want to believe that. He felt guilty. If he wouldn't have believed in Jessie's stupid lie then this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Bad also stood up. He walked to dream pulling him in a hug.

"He loved me" Dream mumbled. Tears started to form again in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. He didn't want to cry not now.

He looked to his right. He saw the doors open. The doors of the hospital. And in walked none other than Jess. Dream froze. He could feel his friends eyes on him and Jess. He glared at her.

"Babe please-"

"Don't call me that" he said angrily. The anger started to build up again inside of him. Jessie had a suitcase to her left. Dream smiled at the fact that she finally had realized that there was no more in between them. Dream pointed to the door.

"Leave" he growled. She looked at him with a sad face. Her puppy eyes trying to get him to forgive her. But that wasn't happening. Right when Jessie had finally left. Dream heard screams coming from the room George was in.
Room 281. He saw a doctor coming out. Screaming for more doctors to come in.
(Listen i know nothing about hospitals and shit)
A few other doctors came running. They closed the door to the hospital room. Dream and the others heard small muffled screams coming from the room. (Not from George but from the doctors) they didn't know what was going on but whatever it was it wasn't good. Like at all. Dream sat down again. Followed by Bad and Will. He looked at Sapnap. He looked like he had seen a ghost. Dream sat there. Waiting.

Two hours later:

Bad was sleeping, Wilbur, Dream and sapnap where still waiting. They saw a doctor or two running in and out of room 281 now and then. But that was about it. But then. The doors slid open once more.

A female doctor in light blue come up to them. Dream immediately stood up and so did the rest of them. They where preparing for the worst. Bad also stood up. Slightly confused as he had just been woken up. And then it came.

The doctor in front of them sighed.
"Sir, I'm sorry for your lost"

Nah sorry if this is bad i just really don't know how I'm supposed to write this in a interesting way for ppl to read.


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