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Jaclyn's POV

"Alright! I think that's the last of it," Jenna said with a heavy sigh, closing the door to the trunk of the car.

Jenna and I became best friends when we started working at a day camp two summers ago. I had just started as a new lifeguard and as a camp counselor, Jenna took me under her wing and showed me the ropes. We've been like sisters ever since.

I just finished my senior year of high school and Jenna finished her sophomore year of college. Since day camp started up again in a week, we decided as a 'beginning of summer' celebration we would take a trip up to my family's cabin on the lake. Up until this point my parents never trusted me to go alone but now that I'm officially an adult and have Jenna with me, they're allowing it while hoping we won't get into too much trouble.

"Did you get all the snacks?" I asked her before getting in the car.

"Well of course. That's the most important part - the snacks and the beer." She answered.

I rolled my eyes back at her. I wasn't a huge drinker, but then again Jenna had been through two years of college and I hadn't. I had no idea what she thought just the two of us were going to do with all that alcohol though.

"You better not get our asses pulled over with that alcohol in the car." I told her before climbing into the car and closing the door behind me.

"I won't, I won't." She replied, handing me her iPod. "Here, pick a song. I made a roadtrip playlist."

I scrolled through it until I found a song I wanted to play. "Adam's Song" by Blink-182 started playing through the car.

"Damn, Jac. Could you get any more depressing?" She said with a laugh to me.

"Hey you made the playlist!" I said with attitude back. "Plus, I know you love this song."

She turned the music up and we spent the rest of the car ride blasting music of every genre, singing along and cracking up at how horrible we sounded.

Two hours later we pulled up to the long driveway that eventually lead up to two cabins. The one on the right was huge. It was two stories, completely finished with electricity and showers and everything. In my opinion, it wasn't even classified as a cabin. It was pretty much nicer than my house. Next to it on the left was my cabin, a cute little one-story house with lanterns as lights and no running water. The lake was right in the backyard and connected to the cabin by just a pathway, a small beach, and a dock. I loved everything about the cabin and the land around it. It was so peaceful and quiet and I truly felt like I'm disconnected from the rest of the world while I'm here. My family has owned the cabin for years and honestly, some of my best memories are held here, so I'm excited to make some new memories here this week.

"Holy shit, who lives there?" Jenna asked, acknowledging the bigger cabin as she pulled into the driveway that connected the two.

"Honestly I don't even know. The owners never stay there; it's always just people who rent it out. They're usually rich and snobby and never leave the cabin." I sighed.

Jenna chuckled a bit, "I don't blame them."

She put the car in park before screaming, "WE'RE HERE!" and running out of the car towards the cabin. I just laughed at her as I opened my door and headed toward the trunk to grab all of our stuff. I struggled to take out the ridiculous mix of food, alcohol, and our duffle bags full of clothes. As I was trying to juggle about six bags at once I heard a car pulling up behind me on the gravel of the long driveway. I yelled for Jenna to come help me but she was either down at the lake already or ignoring me because she didn't want to carry anything in. Probably the latter.

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