Friend Who Understands

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The first time (Y/N) saw Elvis Presley was on TV. The second time was in a military base in Texas.

He met her eye while standing with some other soldiers as she rolled up bandages for med kits. He walked up to her with a smile. "Hello, miss." His accent smooth and musical, his eyes focused on the fabric in her hands. "You need any help?"

She chuckled. "Sure, Mr. Presley. Thank you." She handed a few of the bandages to him, glancing at his hands.

"You know my name?" He raised an eyebrow, a grin beginning to form on his soft lips. "You a fan?"

"A friend of mine is." Y/N) corrected him. *I think you're alright., though."

Now he really was grinning. "Just alright?"

"Fine, maybe more that alright. But its annoying to admit that when everyone else won't stop talking about you."

"Like to feel unique, huh?" She would admit he had a point there, as much as she would like to say he was wrong.

(Y/N) turned to face him. "Occasionally. But I will admit, its very nice whenever she metioned you in a letter, makes me feel like nothing's changed."

"Oh, yeah?" Elvis seemed to be a lot more focused on her words than she was used to from attractive men.

"Yeah." She confided in him. "Makes me feel a bit less homesick. Although it is annoying when I have to worry about a war, and she doesn't understand any of that." She looked up at Elvis, and blushed, shaking her head. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you all this."

"It's all right, darlin'." He reassured her, voice beautifully soothing "Tell you what...... I'm shipping out to Germany soon, but how about I write to you while I'm there? That way you'll have a friend whounderstands all of what you're feelin."

"I'd like that."

They wrote to each other over the time he was in service. When he was in Germany, and even when his mother died. (Y/N)'s heart broke for him, and she did her best to comfort him. A few months after that, there was a knock on her door.

Her friend Amber answered it, and (Y/N) heard the girl give a sharp squeal. She walked over to the door and to her surprise, saw Elvis standing there with a smirk. "Hello, miss." He said to (Y/N) when he spotted her. "How are you?

(Y/N) somehow managed to separate Amber from Elvis and the two of them ended up going for a walk, faces clear in the moonlight. "It's good to see you again, in person. Although I'm always glad to read your letters." He told her softly.

"Yes, I do look great." (Y/N) joked nervously and he threw his head back in laughter. Elvis always made her feel like the best, funniest person.

"That you do. " He ran his hand though his hair. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cinemas with me tomorrow, if y'aren't, busy? It be nice to catch up."

"Yeah, of course."

"He asked you out!" Amber gasped. "Oh my lord, this is happening!"

"He's a friend." (V/N) protested, ignoring the warmth she felt considering the idea of a date with the musician. "It's not like that."

"Sure, sure, sweetheart." Amber had a huge grin on her face. "Whatever you say."

As it turned out, Amber may have at a point. (Y/N) and Elvis started the movie normally. Halfway through, their shoulders were pressed against each other. Near the end, their fingers brushing against each other. By the time the film hand finished, Elvis was holding her hand, thumb stroking it gently.

(Y/N) was grinning in the dark of the room, butterflies in her stomach. When the lights turned on and they quietly left the theatre, they didn't speak until they were in (Y/N) driveway, sitting in Elvis's car.

"I..." He was the one to break the silence. "I want to tell you how much your letters meant... when my mother..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "You kept me sane, darling. And..." Elvis glanced at her intensely, observing her facial expressions. "I don't want to live my life without you bein a part of it."

She tried to say something, but couldn't think of anything to say when his voice and his words were making her so dizzy. She was so used to knowing what to say, especially over letters when she has time to come up with good responses.

He paused to let her speak, but when he realized she wasn't going to, he carried on. "I completely understand if you wanna just be my friend. I wanna be your friend too. But... I also want you to be my girl. Will you?

(Y/N) found her voice again, but rather than say anything, she leaned over and kissed him. He kissed back, burying his hand in her hair, understand when she was saying even if she wasn't actually saying anything.

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