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TW: Panic Attack

(Y/N) was curled up at the foot of their bed, one hand grabbing onto the sheets with a deadly grip. The feeling had hit them so hard, so fast. All the stress from their life jumping them in a single moment.

Tears rolled down their face as their body shuddered and their hands shook. Everything felt wrong and too much. The room felt like it was too small and breathing was. Just. So. Hard. Trying to force air into their body seemed impossible.

They flinched as they could hear footsteps coming towards their room, footsteps they could automatically tell we're Elvis's. (Y/N) was suddenly terrified for him to see them like this, shame taking over them. But they couldn't force themself to move, to fix their appearance as to not worry their lover.

"Darlin', I need..." He opened the door, spotting his partner. "Darlin'?" He looked so concerned, stepping forward and kneeling beside (Y/N). "Darlin', what's wrong, what can I do?" He didn't look ashamed, (Y/N) observed with a touch of relief, but couldn't make themself tell him that they were fine.

He raised his hand to touch them, but stopped when they flinched away once again. The concept of touch filled them with revulsion.

"I..." (Y/N) tried to speak. "I can't..." They tried so hard to communicate, crying slightly with the effort to speak without air.

"Okay." He told them, realizing that he needed to do something. "It's okay. Just breath for me, alright? Like me..." He took deep breaths, encouraging them to copy him.

The gasps they let out broke Elvis's heart a little, hating to see his love in pain. But eventually they started to breath properly, the tear tracks lined on their face.

"There we go." His expression turned proud as (Y/N) looked at him. Their hand had let go from the bedsheets at some point and was now grasping Elvis's shirt, the feeling of the silk soothing them.

"Thank you." (Y/N)'s voice was small, but the stuttering had faded away.

"Don't thank me, baby." He didn't need their gratitude, he was just glad that they seemed to be doing a bit better. "Can I hold you now?"

When they nodded, he shifted closer. Wrapping his arms around them, he smiled just a little when he could feel them pulling him closer. "That's it, sweet thing. You're alright." He gently spoke into their ear. "You let me know if this happens again, will you? I wanna help you."

They nodded, pressing their face into his shirt. "Okay."

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