Elvis Dating Headcanons

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- You met at one of his shows. When he first spoke to you, he didn't want the conversation to ever stop

- Despite that, you didn't actually expect to speak to him again. A famous man like that had a lot of choices, a lot of people wanted his attention

- That was why you were so surprised when he offered to walk you home after he was finished.

- He was transfixed by you

- By the end of the walk, he had already succeeded in getting a date with you

- He took you to movies, fancy restaurants, and anywhere else you wanted to go. As long as you're happy, so is he.

- And because I love pet names, here are the ones he likes to use: Baby, sweet thing, darling, sweetheart. (If you're a woman, that would also include: sweet girl, my girl, my best girl, baby girl)

- You got a little nervous about him being on the road, knowing what could happen, but you kept those thoughts to yourself at first.

- When you did mention it, he surprised you by offering to bring you along.

- He said that he hadn't offered to at first because he wanted you to have a sense of stability (which the road didn't really provide), but he missed you when he was gone and hated being separated from you.

- You felt the same, and ended up loving the excitement on traveling

- He is so sweet on you, and anyone who sees you together can see how much you love each other

- You guys are also the best dressed couple wherever you go.

- Jealousy happens (he's a famous musician), but it's never strong. You know that whatever he tells the woman who listen to his music, you are the one he really loves.

- He lets you know that every day.

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