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It was already time to go home. Hyunsuk dropped Jihoon to the bus stop and bid him a goodbye, he stayed just 2 blocks away from the school so he'd just walk. Jihoon hung his head low in disappointment and locked his eyes to the ground.

"Excuse me?" Jihoon was shaken awake by a hand on his shoulder. He jerked his head up to look at a pair of dark eyes. Surprisingly familiar.

"Um, I'm sorry but I felt I should wake you up sinc—"

"Kim Junkyu..." Jihoon spoke. He found him. He found him!

"Do we know each other?" The other raised a questioning brow at him.

"You... You played the piano.. yesterday." Jihoon could barely speak. He was just so startled. And Happy. Junkyu smiled at that as a pink blush crept onto his beautiful white cheeks.

"Ah the school festival... Um! Anyway, have you been sleeping here since last night?" Junkyu smiled as he pointed towards Jihoon's messy hair.

Oh shit- Quickly he shoved out his phone from his pocket and checked the time. 5 am!? 1 missed call from Hyunsuk, 4 missed calls from his brother. He did NOT JUST SPEND A WHOLE NIGHT AT THE BUS STOP? He knew he was a heavy sleeper but this is just...! His train of thoughts were cut off by a soft giggle.

He turned his head to Junkyu. Phone number! Yeah, ask him for his number! "Ju-Junkyu-ah!" He cursed himself internally for stuttering. "Can I have your number?" Junkyu once again sent him a questioning glance and pursed his lips in a thin line. Yeah, it sure as hell is weird if a total stranger asks you for their phone number out of the blue. Especially when the said stranger looks like this. He cursed his hair, he swore it probably looked like a bird's nest. Well, let's say he's close.

"Well, yesterday.. when you played the piano I got really captivated by you." He looked down to the ground. Okay! That as hell was another weird thing to say! Fuck it! I'll let my half asleep awake self take it from here on!"I.. I liked it a whole lot. You're amazing." Jihoon ruffled his hair and pressed it flat with his palms in an attempt to fix it. Kind of worked, surprisingly. He looks more decent now. "I thought maybe .. I want to get closer to this person, I wanna know more about him." He bit his lower lip and finally looked up at Junkyu, who stood there with a shy but bright smile, Jihoon swore he could've held his face and kissed him right there. Junkyu nodded shyly and reached his hands out to Jihoon. "You can have it. You are an interesting person... Um?"

"Jihoon! Park Jihoon."

"Mhm, you are an interesting person, Jihoonie."
Jihoon melted at the 'Jihoonie', Junkyu's voice makes his flutter so violently yet so peacefully. "Hand me your phone?" Junkyu said, signalling to his already reached out hands. Jihoon smiled and put his phone on Junkyu's palms, who then quickly typed his number and saved it for him. "Give me a text later!"

Jihoon nodded, he couldn't stop smiling.

After talking for a while, he got another call from his brother, Park Jeongwoo, who gave him an earful. He quickly got up and apologized to Junkyu for wasting his time since it seemed like he was out on a walk and that's when he spotted Jihoon.

They bid their farewells as Jihoon hurried towards his home. He was practically skipping all the way that he didn't even realise when he got home, that too, by foot. He surprises himself sometimes.

He quickly got freshen up while Jeongwoo still went on about his big brother's irresponsibility. Jihoon could barely hear anything as he was way too up on cloud nine.

He got Junkyu's number! He gets to be his friend! Or maybe one day they might be even more than friends... He giggled at the silly thought and slapped himself back to Earth. He left Junkyu a message before he dozed off to sleep again. The bench at the bus stop isn't the best for a good night's sleep after all.


Heyyaa!!! Hope you enjoyed. Bye!

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