Chapter 3 ||・Hoodies・|| Joliver

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I groaned, jumping onto my bed,  Oliver soon copied my action and layed down next to me. He then started playing with my hair. I smiled, turning to face him. He continued to mess with my hair, making it look stupid. He let out a small laugh. I put my hair back to normal and just looked at him. I admired the boy in front of me because let's be honest he's the cutest one on the planet. He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was now looking up at him because my head was around at his shoulder. I leaned up and kissed him. Oliver looked into my eyes before leaning back in again, this kiss longer. I then pulled the taller boy on top of me and he Hovered over me, one hand Either side of my head. He soon grabbed my chin and smashed our lips together, he then slipped his tounge into my mouth and I could almost feel the dominance radiating off of him. I understood and didn't try to move my tounge. He explored every inch of my mouth and grabbed my hair again, this time he pulled it back harshly. I let out a breathy moan and brought my hand up to his chest. Oliver pulled away, then moved onto my neck, kissing and sucking on it. I threw my head back in ecstasy.

"Hey boys I brought you some snacks so can you open the door because my hands are full." my mom yelled from outside my door. Oliver sighed and pulled off my neck, letting me go to the door. I soon opened it, completely out of breathe. My mom just looked at me suspiciously. "Thanks for the snacks mom" I smiled at her, trying to regain my breath. "Yeah thanks mrs wheeler." Oliver joined in as I grabbed the plate off her and placed it onto a table. "Okay Jun Jun I'm heading out so will you boys be okay here?" my mom asked, leaning against the door frame. "Yeah we'll be fine Mrs wheeler." Oliver spoke, calmly. "Wait what's this?" my mom queried, grabbing my chin and tilting it, exposing my neck. "Oh uhm..its nothing. I replied, panicked. My eyes darted to Oliver who was just smirking. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and returned my attention back to my mom. "I thought you said that Oliver liked lexy when you two were dating." she questioned. "Mom!" I shouted. "They broke up ages ago." Oliver chimed in, amused by this interaction. "Well seems like lexy wasn't the one he liked In your relationship." my mum spoke, walking away. My eyes widened and my face went red. Then I watched my mum walk out the house.

Oliver came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist my back right up against me. "How cute, you talk about me." Oliver chuckled. "Oh my god you are such an idiot! Did you seriously give me a hickey?!" I yelled but I wasn't annoyed I was just shocked. I know my mum would support me no matter what and I wasn't ready to let go of what I have with Oliver because it's really special so I don't mind or care if she knows. "Mhm...I'm sorry Jun." he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "hey don't worry it's okay. I liked it... Like a lot. " I smiled.
"Oh?~" Oliver muttered, still close to my ear. His body felt closer although he was already up Against me. "s-shut up." I felt breathe less and I couldn't form words. "Want me to do it again Baby?~" he whispered seductively. I bit my lip and all I could reply with was "yes."

Oliver smirked and closed the door, he threw me onto the bed and went to hover over me. "This okay Jun?" he asked. "Yes." my brain felt so clouded I could barely think, all that I could think about was the boy on top of me. He licked a line of saliva up my neck and started kissing every inch of my neck, collarbone and jaw. He then grabbed a piece of my hair with his hand, tugging on it. He then started kissing and sucking on a specific part of my neck. My breath hitched. He soon came off my neck and admired his work. Then he collapsed next to me. I cuddled into his side, trying to get any form of warmth because it was extremely cold. "Jun you okay?" Oliver whispered caringly. "I'm cold. Can I burrow your hoodie?" I spoke, looking up at him. "Why don't you get one of your own?" he asked, intrigued. I went pink in embarrassment. "Because uhm.... Because I can't be bothered to get up." I began. Oliver just looked at me, seeing right through my lie. "Okay okay fine! I want yours because it's big, comfy and it smells like you.." I almost muttered the last part. Oliver just chuckled. He then pulled his hoodie off and put it on me. Then he kissed my forehead and relaxed on my bed. I felt so comfortable in his hoodie, it felt like home. I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck and fell asleep.

I woke up and admired Oliver. He looks so relaxed and pretty. Like Really pretty. He looked so calm and his hair fell beautifully when he slept. I stayed like that just for a while. There was a weird sense of comfort seeing him like this. Suddenly the boy pulled me on top of him and gave me a passionate kiss. "Quit staring at me." he mumbled. "But I want too." I replied boldly "whatever." Oliver teased, getting out of my bed. "We have school don't we?" The taller boy groaned. "Sadly." I replied dryly. "Hey can I burrow one of your hoodies? My annoying boyfriend stole mine." Oliver teased. "Hmm yeah I guess... As long as your annoying boyfriend gets to keep yours." I responded, smiling. "deal." he acknowledged. Then the blonde started going through my draws finding the best hoodie. "I'll wear this one." he smirked. To be honest I don't really understand why he'd want to burrow mine I mean it fits him but they're tight, Olivers quite tall and has broad shoulders. "Okay let's go." the cute boy said.

we walked into school with each other. Olivers a pretty popular dude and many girls wanna get with him and it makes me jealous every time and now that I'm wearing his hoodie, every girl will know that he's mine. Not theirs. We walked over to his locker. I just stared at him whilst he put his stuff inside. His hair looked so pretty and messy today, his eyes were beautiful like always and his eyes were the most beautiful colour of- "Hey Oliver." I heard a girl say from the other side of MY boyfriends locker. "Oh hey." he replied dryly. Wow Speaking of annoying assholes. I slammed the locker door shut, startling the girl. She gave me a look of disgust before bringing her attention back to Oliver. My eyes narrowed, awaiting what she'd say "So uhm Oliver... I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me sometime?" the girl asked. Okay that's the last straw. Oliver looked as if he was going to say something but I began speaking before he could even get the chance. "Listen here asshole. He will NEVER go on a date with you. Understand?" I smiled smugly at her. Then I brought my lips up to Olivers. He kissed me back and grabbed my chin deepening the kiss. Then I saw the girl walking away. "You better not go on any dates with girls anytime soon, understand Hayden?" I demanded When we parted. "Aw is Jun Jun getting jealous?~ also for the record your so hot~ and why would I wanna date any stupid girl anyway? Especially considering the fact that I have the cutest boy ever right in front of me." he remarked. I felt my face heating up.

I tapped my pencil on the desk. It was so boring, we're learning poetry for fuck sake! I did that year's ago, I don't need to do it again. I just watched the clock ticking by. Tick tick tick. Then some girl who say next to me chucked a peice of paper onto my desk, I looked around but I don't know who sent it. Then I umscrunched the paper ball and I'm looked down at the writing on it.
It just said

Are you wearing Olivers hoodie??
□yes                □no

I smirked at this. Then I ticked yes and passed it to the girl who gave it to me and I'm assuming she gave it back to whoever asked. I turned back to see lexy was the one who sent it. She looked at me in spite, scrunching up the note.

Now if she tells anyone then all the girls will back away from oliver. Good, because he's mine.

||・words without authors note: 1530・||
||・words with authors note: 1544・||

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