New faces and an explanation. (Re-write)

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Time period:2022
Actual date of time:Unknown
Location in hell:Unknown
Mission by Odin:Kill one overlord in any ring of hell.

My eyes opened slowly, pain hit my head almost imidiatly. And when my eyes were fully opend I sat up and seen a crimson sky, with a symbol that looked familiar as the sun. Screams and gunshots were all around me which made me keep my guard up and the smell of blood was very potent. I then viewed my surroundings, all I seen was a damp and blood stained area, paper on the brick walls and scraps of food scatterd the ground. I stood up and took a good look at myself to see what I was wearing. I was wearing a cloak similar to the Allfather's. Black with a gold outline and norse runes stitched onto it. My chestplate was made of the finest wolf fur that anyone could hunt, with buckles and straps that looked like they came from the blacksmiths of Asguard. My pants and boots I assumed was made of the hide of a deer but the craftsmanship of them were unlike anything else, on my hips were the axes Odin gave me, as well as a pouch filled with the mushrooms my clan used to take before battle.

My head was still pounding and as I put a hand on my head I noticed two more things. That I had horns on my head and that my skin was red, I looked up and seen a bird flying in the sky and when it noticed that I was looking at it. The bird flew over to me and landed on my shoulder, the bird that landed on my shoulder was a crow, the eyes of the Allfather, the sign of death and the vikings most trusted animal. The crow cawed at me and flew back into the sky, and I desided to walk around to see where I was located. I left the damp and bloody area and looked around, all I seen was these fast moving metal boxes with these odd looking creatures in them. I walked down the street and a certain set of creatures caught my eye. They were pulling boxes out of the metal box and carrying them into a building. One of the smallest creatures was struggling with a thin box, the closer I walked to them the more clear I herd what they said.

???:God damn it Mox! Hurry up and get those cases into the office! You got five minutes.

The smallest creature was named Mox, I assumed it was short for Moxxie and walked over to him. He seen me walk up to him and became concerned.

Y/N:You look like your struggling there small one. Would you like some assistance?

The creature named Mox gave me an odd look and responded with a stutter.

Mox:Y-yeah that would be nice, if you could get those cases and follow me that would be great.

I nodded and enterd the door to the metal box and grabbed the remaining few cases the creature asked me to get. There was five of them and I managed to get them all without trouble, the creature looked at me in confusion and awe.

Mox:Arent those heavy? All of those combined are at least 100 pounds.

I looked at the creature and responded.

Y/N:No they aren't. Belive it or not I've had to carry heavier boxes when I was alive.

The creature eyes widend. But he seemed thankful. He started to walk to the destination and I followed behind him, we enterd a metal thing that when a button is pressed we assended into the sky. I didn't want to bother the creature on what we were in so I kept my mouth shut, and after a few minutes we reached the destination where I imidiatly herd talking from a familiar voice.

???:When the hell is Moxxie going to get here with those cases. Its been over ten minutes now.

The creature named Moxxie spoke up.

Moxxie:Sir we got the cases! All of them!

When Moxxie said that, another creature rounded the corner and sounded very confused.

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