Part 173

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He got up from bed and look at her. A smile come on his lips.

He open the door. So family can get inside room.

Everyone entered inside.

At exact 12:00am Karthik and Yash burst party poppers together.

Keerti got up shocked listening the sound.

Naksh and everyone shouted happy birthday.

She look at him then Amyra then at her family a big smile come on her lips.

Amyra got up on bed and hug Keerti wishing her.

Amyra- happy birthday mumma.

She kissed on her cheek.

Keerti- thank you my baby.

She kissed on her forehead.

Naksh forward his hand.she hold his hand and got up.

Naksh- happy birthday my love.

Keerti- thank you

She hugged him.

She cut the cake and put a bite on Amyra mouth.Naksh made Keerti eat.She hug him happily.

He broke the hug and see tears in her eyes.

Naksh- hey Don't cry please.

Keerti- I'm really happy. After many years I'm celebrating my birthday. and that too with my family. So I just got little emotional.

Naksh- you can get emotional but you're not allowed to cry today got it.

Keerti nods.

She made everyone eat cake.

Naksh sign Yash something.

Yash nods.

Yash- Amyra come today you will sleep with aaru.

He pick her up in his arms and everyone leave. leaving them alone.

Naksh look at her. she spread her arms. He walk toward her and embrace her tight in his arms.

Naksh- Happy birthday my love.

Keerti- thank you. Thanks for this.

Naksh- I have a surprise for you.

Keerti- surprise..

Naksh- come.

He pick her up in his arms and take her in balcony attached to their room.

Balcony is decorated with lots of lights and ballons.

He put her down and walked on flower petals holding her hand.

A white tent is placed there. Decorated with her favourite lights She look at him.he signed her to sit.

He sit beside her and placed a gift  on her hand.

She look at him he hug her from back and she lean on him.he rest his chin on her head.

Naksh- unwrap it.

Keerti- ok.

She unwrap the box and see some envelopes in it.

1st letter.

She opened the letter and start reading it.

"Happy Birthday Keerti. I can't wish you infront of writing this letter to you. It's your first birthday when we are not together."

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