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Dame and Zion had told each other everything they had encountered and started to share their information.

Dame-If you've been watching them all these time, why did you ask those questions to Claude?

Zion-You mean Dawn.

Dame-I'm still getting used to their new names...

Zion smiled.

Zion-I already scared off Haze when I appeared to him, I didn't want Dawn to think I know everything about them....sometimes I have to act like they are strangers to me...

Dame looked at Zion.

Dame-Soon it will be over brother...

Zion looked at Dame.

Zion-We have to find a way to defeat Cepheus, Klaus has told me once everything is gathered...

Dame-Klaus also told me that...

Zion looked at his brother but Dame kept quiet.

Dame remembered when Klaus told him that Dame had the power to defeat Cepheus alone.

Dame-That's all he told me.

Zion started to walk through the timelines as he saw something


Dame stood next to him.

Zion-This timeline is the one before our world was destroyed.

Dame-If we enter there, we cannot change it or warn anyone of the coming doom.

Zion-I know.

Dame-Let me worry about the past of the Solaris.

Zion looked at Dame.

Zion-I have an idea.

Dame looked at Zion curiously.

Zion-What if you go through the past timeline of Solaris, and bring something that belonged to the guys, something that was dear to them, that they would never forget.

Dame-To trigger their memory and awaken them?

Zion-Yes!...this is what Klaus meant, you are the light to my darkness, Dame you are the only one who can help me.

Dame-You can go through it too.

Zion-I cannot.

Dame-What? Why?

Zion-My powers are to walk through portals of the present worlds, your powers are to walk through the portals of past and future...

Dame-You have walked to a portal in the past

MIRROR: DAME-MESSENGER OF TIMELINESWhere stories live. Discover now