Chapter 1

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"I'm glad he's okay. Yes, please keep me updated on his progress. Of course."

Slipping the key into the door, you hung up the phone with a smile. Opening the door, you sighed, stepping inside. Sliding the phone into your back pocket, you hang your coat at the door. All you really wanted right now is a nice bubble bath and a glass of wine.

Faith apparently had different plans.

Your plan is to venture into the kitchen for a good bottle of wine, but the tingling at the back of your neck makes you stop. You pause for a second, exhaling.

"Please, not today."

You were already exhausted.

Carefully walking through the room, you spot a footprint, and some drops of blood. Turning your head, you follow the trail. You take careful steps to your destination, moving up the stairs. The closer you get, the clearer the grunts sound.

Someone is there.

"I can hear you breathing, are you going to continue to hide?"

You freeze in your spot at his words. Whoever it is, he's inside your bathroom. Since you're already discovered, you step out. Leaning against your bathroom counter is a tall male. He's holding his gut, white shirt dirtied with blood. His hand is pressed to the wound, and you can see the clear pain on his face.

"How unfortunate, I'd hope whoever's house this was would not return until I left."

You drop your bag at your side, saying nothing.

"There's no need to alert the authorities. I won't cause you any harm, just let me leave and we both can pretend this never happened. "

In his free hand, he's holding your first aid kit.

"How did you get those injuries?"

"Best not to address such topics." He says smoothly. You frown, and he steps forward. You know he assumes you'll move out of fear.

"I get that you're hurt, but I can't in good faith let you leave here if you're a potential serial killer."

He marks your neck.There sits a chain. The crucifix in plain view.

"Religious, are you?"

"I'll ask you one last time, how did you get that wound?"

He's the one wearing a frown now.

"This will also be my only warning, I'd advise that you let me pass."

You just stand there, and he growls. When he rolls his head, the skin is replaced with white patterned fur, glowing green eyes and bared teeth are all you see. He rushes at you, and you brace, striking him in the throat. 

He tumbles backwards at the force of the hit. The second his back meets the floor, he lets out another pained sound. He looks up this time, and you're standing over him. His face changes back, and you can see the slight fear in those now blue irises.


You smirk.

"How unfortunate that you should run into me."

Looks like today was not his lucky day. 

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