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Love stories are only in movies, or that's what I always thought before my tire decided to blow out in the middle of the night on my way home from work. It was in the middle of December. Snow fell while my breath clouded the cold air. It was late and the road was nearly empty. I knew how to change a tire, what 25-year-old man doesn't know how to change a spare? The only problem was I didn't have any tools in the back of my car. I doubted anyone would stop to help on such a cold night, but never doubt humanity, that's what I always try to tell myself. There are good people out there, you just need to find them.

I didn't have anyone to call, so I stood by the hood of my car, waiting for some kind soul to stop and help. It paid off after about an hour of waiting. My toes and face were numb, but at least someone in a black suburban stopped behind my car.

It took a while before someone exited the truck, and I walked to the back of my car. It was hard to see any features on the freakishly tall man, but I could make out his silhouette. He was a talking giraffe, skinny and with short brown hair.

"Car trouble?" He asked while he walked closer, he was close enough that I could see his ice blue eyes that matched the glaze that covered the road.

"No, I just wanted to nearly freeze to death while waiting for prince charming." I retorted sarcastically.

"Wow, cute and funny."

Was this guy seriously hitting on me? I didn't have the time or patience for this.

"So, are you going to help me or are we both going to freeze to death?" I retorted with a little attitude. I just wanted to get home.

"Yeah, on one condition. You let me take you out tomorrow night."

"You don't even know my name... I also have to work tomorrow night." I didn't, but I don't know this guy.

"Well, I'm Dallon. What's your name whisky - honey?"

"Whisky... what...?" I was left dumbfounded for a few seconds. What did he mean by that? "My name is Brendon. Who would name their kid whiskey honey? You're not one of those new age hippies, are you?"

I'm not exaggerating when I say this guy sounded like a hyena when he started to laugh. It was incredibly annoying, yet charming at the same time. Wait. No. Don't think like Brendon. Just get your tire fixed and get home.

"New age.. what? No. Your eyes. They remind me of honey and whisky. So, whisky honey."

"I've never heard that one before.."

"Well, now you have."


Needless to say, I got my tire fixed and made it home that night. I also have a boyfriend of six months that is now cuddling with me on my couch. Dallon is the best thing that has happened to me. We don't get to see each other often because of our work schedules, but I'm always excited to see him in our downtime. He's also great in bed, but that's for another conversation.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, babe." He says before kissing my cheek as he got up and left.

I didn't even get to say anything before he was gone. I inwardly pouted childishly as I continue eyeing the movie that we were meant to be watching together. Fuck, I'm such a child at times.

There was a vibrating coming from the coffee table after a few minutes and I didn't realize it was Dallon's phone until I moved the open magazine away from the source of the sound. It was a text message. I was never one to spy on my significant other. I never had a reason to. I trusted whoever I was with. But, if you leave your phone on my coffee table and I accidentally find it and then read the message that was on the screen, then that isn't spying.

But, for the love of everything on this earth, I wish that I didn't try to seek out the source. It was a text from someone named Breezy.

📱Hey babe. When are you coming home? 😘

He never wore a wedding ring, so I never asked. But, maybe they're not married. Maybe he's playing them as he did me.

I couldn't breathe. Everything around me was blurry from the unshed tears. Everything was closing in on me. I need air.

My body was on autopilot when I lunged the magazine in the direction of the coffee table but somehow managed to hit the TV and break it. I didn't care anymore. It was just some stupid possession that could be replaced. But, those six months of my life that I wasted can never be replaced. I never wanted to hate myself. I thought this kind of loneliness happens to somebody else. Being the "other one" when theirs another one. God, this feels like hell.

I feel stupid.

I feel cheap.

I feel used.

I feel weak.

I have concluded that I am a

This isn't the first time someone has played me. I would say cheated, but who's to say he wasn't with this person when he stopped to help me on that cold December night?

My hand shakes while I take a drag from the cigarette that I so desperately needed, letting the silent tears fall.

I thought that maybe this time would be different, that I could be happy for once. But, I soon realize that will never happen.

Getting lost in my thoughts was a common occurrence and it often happens, especially in times of extreme stress. I didn't hear the door open. I didn't hear the footsteps behind me. Nothing existed but my broken thoughts.

I was brought out of my thoughts by an arm wrapping around my waist and a nose nuzzling against the back of my neck. The sensation once made me smile. Now, all it does is make me sick.

I quickly step away, keeping my back to the man I once foolishly loved. "Don't fucking touch me." I spat through my gritted teeth.

"Bren? Did I do something?" Dallon asked innocently. Yeah, like you didn't know what you did. What you have been doing for God knows how long.

"Why don't you ask Breezy," I say, taking another drag from my cigarette. "They're waiting for you at home. Don't let me fucking keep you." I flick my cigarette butt into the grass and turn to walk back into my house, walking right past Dallon without a second glance. I made sure all of his things were outside before I locked the door, some of his things were probably broken, but I just wanted him and his things out of my home.

Behind closed doors, I finally began to break down from the sudden feeling of loneliness. I will never be good enough for anyone. Maybe I'm meant to be alone for eternity.

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