Chapter 1 ~ Perfect life, for now.

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Covers flew off of Jamie as she slowly awoke, "Five more minutes mom." she pleaded.

"Mom isn't here; I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to school a little early, it's better than walking." Mark said matter of factly.

"Where is mom?" She asked

"She had to run to work early and asked me to give you a ride."

"Alright, give me about forty-five minutes and I'll be ready to go."

"OK, just hurry up, you know i don't like to wait." He said in a teasing voice.

"Don't be such a worry wart. I'll be ready before you die of boredom." Poking his arm she giggled at the look of (fake) shock that showed on his face.

"You'll regret that." A smirk spread across his face.

Reaching down he began tickling her as she squirmed and begged for mercy.

"Okay, okay. Stop!" she yelled while laughing so hard she started to lose her breath.

"Just stop being lazy and get your butt out of bed. And I’ll leave you alone" he chuckled as he withdrew his hands from her sides.

"OK Mother." She stuck her tongue out at him with a permanent smile on her lips. She loved her brother so much. They were like the closest siblings could be. They were more like best friends rather than brother and sister. She couldn't imagine life without him.

With a final jab at her stomach he got off her bed and walked toward the door. Turning around he parted his lips as if he was going to say something then decided against it and just smiled and walked out the door.

Wondering what he was about to say, Jamie got out of bed and started to get everything ready for her shower, pulling the clothes that she wanted to wear to school and a towel for her shower. If her brother didn't think it was worth telling her about something it probably wasn't very important. He told her everything. She smiled thinking back through the years when her brother was always protective of her, standing up for her when someone was mean to her or just annoyed her. Even though it got really annoying she was glad he loved her enough to care that much.

She headed for the shower and fifty minutes later she was skipping down the stairs thinking about how awesome her brother was and about how much she loved her perfect family. She stopped in mid step when she heard lowered, angry voices coming from the kitchen. Never before had she heard her bother so angry. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding she told herself, with that she continued down the flight of stairs and walked calmly into the kitchen.

The conversation stopped abruptly and Mike forced a smile.

“Hey Mike, I’m ready to go. Don’t want you to be late for the first day of grade twelve.” She joked winking at him.

Dad turned to her with harsh eyes. “Jamie, couldn’t you tell I was talking to your brother? You have got to stop interrupting conversations.”

“Sorry I was just wondering if Mike….”

Her dad cut her off before she could finish. “Just go to the car and your brother will be there in a minute. I need to finish talking to him.” He tried to keep his voice calm.

She had never seen him like this; he was usually laid back and talked with a calm voice. Not wanting to get him more riled up than he already was she quickened her pace as she headed for the car.

A/N: Hope you like the first chaper. Please comment and tell me what you think! :) Thanks for reading!

~Becky <3

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