Created for her

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This is meant to be read very slow, or somethings aren't going to make sense, and you'll be done really fast, making it seem like a rant.

3rd POV

"MAMA" screams and crys were muffled by the car doors as a woman stared straight through the windows at her daughter. A little girl around 4.... Or 5, but who cares about her age, it wont matter for much longer. What really matters is her face, she had (E/C) eyes that fit with her (H/C). She was (S/C) skinned with soft rosey cheeks. She was beautiful, well not at the moment. Right now she had a red face with tears and a snotty nose. This, was (Y/N) (L/N).

But focusing on the situation, her mother was giving her away to a man, who in return gave her a bullet straight through her head as her payment for her annoying behavior. You cried and watched as your mother slowly collapsed onto the alleyway floor. You didn't know how to feel about it, ever since your fourth birthday she never wanted to even look at you.

You were quirkless.

She found you useless, she treated you like garbage. But she still fed you, and gave a roof over your head.

The man put the gun away and got into the car as he drove as fast as he could. It had started to rain, and you could barely see anything. Once the car had stopped, he pulled you out of the car and dragged you inside with a harsh grip on your wrist. He took down, down, down, until you forgot your mother and only focused on the man, worried he might hurt you. He dragged you into a room filled with different people and an empty tank fit for one person, You. His grip loosened and he turned around to pick you up and carry you over to the tank dropping you inside. You got up a little shaky but mostly curious. Why did they put you in here? Where are you? Are they going to hurt you? It was all moving to fast.

"Were ready for stage 1" said a lady with lots of vibrant colored braids, as she closed the lid to the tank. "Ok, starting stage 1" a man with black hair and a missing eye said as he tapped away at a small tablet. The tank you were in started to fill with a transparent gray liquid, you started panicking as it filled up fast and was already to your nees in seconds. You banged your fist against the glass as you were slowly consumed by the liquid and soon float in the tank as your banging stops and you loose consciousness.


You woke up in the tank, the tank had been covered with some kind of blanket and the water was warm. You could hear people talking behind the blanket when suddenly It was lifted off of the tank. Light came through the glass as you noticed the liquid was now clear while got a good look of yourself. Your skin was shiny, when you touched your skin it made a clinking sound. Your mind was blank you felt water everywhere, in your lungs your stomach, and your head. You felt heavy, yet you were floating in the water like you were weightless. You looked back infront of you to see two men, one with brown hair and the other with black. You had seen the black haired one earlier, but the brown haired one was unfamiliar. He wore a bird mask and had golden eyes. You could definitely tell he wasn't one of the others due to his clothes. He stared at you for awhile as you stared back at him, he then turned to the man beside him and nodded his head. The black haired male came up to the tank and pressed about 2 buttons before backing up.

You questioned his actions before the liquid started to drain out of the tank and once it was gone blow dryers dried you and the tank from any leftover liquid that remained. Your hair stayed in perfect condition. When you were finally dry, the black haired male opened the tank and took you out carefully. It was only then you had finally processed that your skin had turned to porcelain. Your now a living doll, but somehow you remained calm.

Shattered (BNHA x F! child reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now