The question

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Adysson. She took a photo of me and Dylan kissing.
"What- OMF" Adysson showed her the photo.
"fine" they both left.
"Have they done that before?"
"No technically your the only girl I've ever kissed."
"This one girl straight up kissed me in the middle of the hallway. I might have rejected the kiss because I didn't even know her."
"Oh my gosh!"
he kisses me again this time no click.
He lays down and I just snuggle into his chest. I feel safe as his dog lays between his legs. Dylan leans down and kisses my head. I just smile and hide my face in his chest. I never want to leave his side. It was so comforting that I fell asleep.
I look down at her. Asleep. It's adorable I need to ask her. I lean down and kiss her forehead. I don't know what she's dreaming about but she's smiling really hard. I just want to call her mine and show her off online so people know she's mine.

I woke up in Dylan's arms and instantly got serotonin. I start playing with his hair as he's waking up to legit flip us so he's laying on top of me.
"You can play with more of my hair this way"
I just laugh as I start playing with his hair again. I realized we were asleep for 2 hours and woke him up.
"Get up Dyl"
"Ugh fine Imma go play in the high way"
"NO" as he hugs me tighter
"Ok, ok fine just get up."
"Fine" as he gets off of me and gets up. We both get a text from the group chat.
ETHAN 🤯: wanna go ride horses?
Rian 🤠: that sounds fun.
"Do you wanna go?"
Dylan 🔥: me and Sam will go also
Sam 😎: I'm already at Dylan's so just go to his house.
ETHAN 🤯: ok bet- wait why you at Dylan's?
Sam 😎: um I wanted to meet his family.
Dylan 🔥: yea
Me and Dylan get ready to go ride the horses. By get ready I mean I just put on one of his hoodies and some of his sweatpants.
"That's mine?"
"Yup, mine now."
"Fine whatever"
Honk. Honk.
dang it. We both walk downstairs and get in Ethan's car. The back seats as always.
"Yooo- is that Dylan's sweatshirt Sam?"
"Yup I forgot a sweatshirt and I was wearing a dress. These are also his sweats.
We starts driving to wherever Ethan is taking us. We get to his house and he makes us get in his side-by-side.
"Wait Ethan you have horses?"
"My brothers for photo shoots"
"Wait is that why we're doing this"
"Kinda. So please just listen to him I wanna make sure to help him with his dreams."
"Stop yelling"
We all get the horses saddled up. I didn't need help because I used to do it when dad was on set for his movies cause I learned very young they let me ride the horses.
"How did you know how to do that"
"The film crew always let me and Esme ride the horses when we were kids."
We found his younger brother Oscar and started riding the horses as he starts taking photos. Ethan says something to him and Oscar took photos. When we thought we were done me and Dylan just got really close looking at each other's lips. As we kinda leaned in. Snap. Dang it what is up with that. This time it was Oscar.
"Ok now one of the full kiss we all saw the one from earlier Adysson sent it to us all."
"WHAT" me and Dylan said at the same time.
"Please for my brother"
Fine I kissed him. Oscar took the photo. And we got off the horses. Took the gear off of them. Dylan needed a little help so I helped him.
"Thanks were gonna go to Target and get bathing suits because Oscar wants photos at the beach to."
"YAY" I might have scared the horse. Oops.
We all get in Ethan's car as he drives to target and get Bathing suits. We get to the beach and change when I get out I go lay in the sand as Oscar orders and the boys start building sand castles. Oscar starts taking photos. Dylan's asks Jim's something I don't hear it but next thing I know. I know what it is.
"Dylan put me down. Don't do that. Put me down. Don't. You. Dare. DONT THROW ME IN THE WATER" The cool water finally hit me as I get back up hes just looking at me as he grabs my hips and kisses me.
"Sam I love hanging out with you and you make me happy. I haven't told anyone ever about my anxiety and you just found out and helped. Ever since I met you I've had butterflies in my stomach. So I wanted to ask you a question. Sam Taylor Barnes will you be my girlfriend."
He was finally my boyfriend.

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