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Something strange is going on with Xiao. He's not been his normal self for the past two weeks. Like that one time when we went to an ice cream shop together, we were only eating popsicles, but then he went home in the middle of our conversation. He used 'homework' as an excuse, which was obviously a lie because we didn't have homework that day.

Also, the time when he gave me a cupcake and said it was a gift, then disappeared from my sight without saying goodbye. I didn't even have the chance to thank him.

Well... How do I explain this? He seems to be avoiding me, but not completely. He doesn't pretend that he doesn't see me like before because we talk and sometimes hang out together, but the problem is that he will suddenly leave me or make up a lie to get away. I don't know. I just don't understand him nowadays.

It's also weird that he went home early in the morning after the slumber party and didn't even inform us about his sudden leave. I get that he's maybe uncomfortable with me because of what happened, but he's totally out of it.

Does my confession bother him that much? I don't want to take it back because I'm done making excuses. I want my feelings to reach him. I want him to know that I like him more than a best friend, despite the consequences I will face.

It's funny because it turns out that my plan to make him confess his love for me failed. In the end, I'm still the one who said it first.

But I don't think that's the only reason. I did go overboard by touching him, even though I knew how he would react and even asked him a question that would make him tense.

I'm screwed. In my defense, curiosity made me do it. I did try my best to seduce him, so it made me wonder if he sometimes gets aroused around me. I know that was a bold move of embarrassment because who would ask that question after a confession? He probably was shocked about it too, but my mouth just moved on its own.

I blew it. I'm so stupid. I ruffled my hair and leaned back. I was sitting on a bench alone near the school's tree. I just want the cold breeze to cool my head off. Besides, everyone is busy with their after-school clubs.

I don't have a club because I don't plan to. It's nice to interact and socialize with other people, but I don't really like to share my time with school activities because I'm a lazy person. If there's a club for lazy people, then I'm in.

"Aether?" I was startled when Kazuha appeared in front of me.

"Kazuha, what are you doing here?"

He put his hands on his pockets and answered, "I came here to look for inspiration for my art."

"I see. Do you want to take a seat?" I offered, and he gladly sat down beside me.

"How about you? Certainly you must have a good reason why you were here."

I sighed. "Not really. I just want to hang out here."


I nodded my head. "Yes. Everyone is doing their club activities now, so you might as well take the opportunity to spend some time alone. Now that I've mentioned it, aren't you the president of the art club?"

"You are correct about that, but we only meet once a week. It surprised me to know that you don't have a club."

I chuckled. "And why is that?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now