Chapter 29

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•Ritsu and Makoto•

Author's point of view:

3 days ago...

At around the Private Room, wherein Ichima and our Main characters were.

"First thing first. I won't follow someone's order unless you are Mikey." Sanzu said with a cold tone.

"Second, tell me the Safe and the other treasure you have, so that I could just spare that life of yours." Sanzu added as he pointed his Katana on Ichima's neck.

Y/n just stared on Sanzu—Watching him threaten her Ex.

She was about to open her mouth to say something, but then—All of a sudden she felt something aching on her head and afterwards began to feel dizzy. The surroundings started to blur as she look at it, It's hazy and blurry.

Kakucho ran as fast as he can, as shout on Y/n.

"Y/n! You are bleeding heavily!" He said with a lot of concern in his eyes.

Mikey began to panic as well that he just stood there, called the back up.

"H-huh?" She mumbled, all confused of what's happening around here.

She then found herself on the ground, and the scene wherein Sanzu Slashed Ichima in half. And so afterwards, She faint.

Only voice were just heard, I couldn't see anything.

As soon as Sanzu slashed Ichima after Ichima told him where his money was hidden, Sanzu went ahead and started to search for the money, since all of his Money were hidden inside this room for some reasons.

Ran went to Kakucho and helped him cover Y/n's Deep wounds.

"HER CUT IS SO DEEP! HURRY CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Ran was starting to panic, I mean- Why? Why would he panic if He had already saw some cases like this? Like he had killed tons of people.

"IDIOT! WE'LL GET CAUGHT!" Takeomi yelled Takeomi went inside the Room and ran to where Y/n is.
"Don't panic, panicking won't help anything. Hurry go and rip your Shirt and cover it on Y/n's chest and The Knees." Takeomi Motioned those two.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" Ran asked, Takeomi smacked Ran's head and replied.

"Are you drunk?" Takeomi asked "He is." Kakucho replied "He acted as if he was sober but deep inside he's drunk." Kakucho added.

"JUST CALL THE AMBULANCE!" Mikey yelled "Mikey! Calm down, don't panic! This is not the right time to panic, if you panic Y/n might die!" Takeomi said, trying to calm everyone.

"I'll call the hospital! L-let's just wait for it to arrive-"

"NO TIME TO WAIT! WE SHOULD GO AND HEAD THERE, HURRY!" Rindou suddenly appeared from the back door.



"SHIT! CARRY Y/N! LET'S ESCAPE AT THE BACKDOOR!" Rindou yelled as he lead the way.

"MIKEY! I GOT THE MONEY!" Sanzu yelled as he carries the Money. All the bag of money and some case.

"HURRY YOU IDIOT!!" Takeomi yelled.

"Y/N! DON'T DIE!" -Kakucho.

[I'll explain the private room okay?]

[I'll explain the private room okay?]

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