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In all things. There is substance.

The dullest star still shines light, and the brightest still makes shadow.

In-fact, Life can not exist without balance. Weight does not exist without gravity, and Gravity without force.

Interest is much the same, interest breeds interest.

And this. Has greatly interested me.


I suppose I should let you into this as well, I'm not sure who you are, but if you can read my thoughts, then I suppose you are a force even more powerful and ancient than I.

And Interest Can only Breed interest.



The sky was clear, a rather unusual, yet pleasantly welcomed, warm day let the various individuals enjoy the finer things in life. There were many doing many more things. One such individual was simply...

Well I suppose I should let it speak for itself. Should I not?

"And that should be the last of the Weeds, Mrs. Garnet." A young man wiped the sweat off of his forehead, hands caked in mud and dirt.

"Oh thank you Cobalt. I couldn't even hope to keep these wretched things in check without your help." Spoke the Elderly Mrs. Garnet. "How much do I owe you today?"

After dusting off his hands 'Cobalt' as he must have been named, took out a small pocket book, and with a quick check mark, marked Garnet as helped. "For you Mrs. As much or as little as you'd like." He was rather honest, despite spending his day in the dirt, as opposed to anything else. He was simply glad to take the strain off another. Generously natured if you would.

After the Rather quick exchange of money for services. Cobalt would be quick on his way. Walking the streets and greeting those he passed.

"Hey Cobalt!" Said a Woman, Cleaning her apron, waving the Young Man over.

Cobalt wasn't much for hesitation, he responded quickly with a "Heya Michelle. What can I do for you today?"

Quickly, a Skewer was in between Cobalt's Fingers, Liked up one after enough was some freshly cut Summer Fruits. "Wow, you got Reflexes like a Cat Huh?" Michelle said, her voice touched with a Hint of Smugness. "Had an Extra bit of fruit, thought who better to enjoy it? Or should I say, 'Take a bite out of the best piece of fruit he's ever had oh my Gods.'

Cobalt couldn't help but chuckle at his own words. Without another thought. He picked off each piece of fruit with his teeth. Sure enough, still the best fruit he's ever had. Before he could finish chewing and get his own words out.

"But, There was another thing, Actually..." Michelle trailed off. Tapping her fingers on her fruit stand. "Just how Long did you plan on staying in town? I mean Mercenaries don't tend to stick around, definitely not like you Have at least."

Cobalt swallowed, putting up a finger as he did so. "God's that some" He Shook his head and let out a small laugh. "I actually planned on leaving today, making my way out right now really." The Mercenary tapping his fingers on the stand in the same rhythm as the Food Merchant. "Why? Is someone gonna Miss lil' old me?" A small. Sly Smirk only did so much to express how much smugness Cobalt held. Much to Michelle's Playful Frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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