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    I looked down at my wrist, the tiny little clock read 9:15 am. It's way to early, especially for a Saturday morning.  My mom told me I had to stay awake until we got to the new house, luckily she let me sleep throughout the night,  but she woke me up 9am.

    "Katherine we're almost there, aren't you excited to start a new life here in Hawkins!"  She said to me.

   This was the first time in weeks I have seen mom "excited". After the fire she became a completely different person, drowning herself in alcohol and becoming a constant drunk.  She normally blamed me for everything that went down. Deep down I also blame myself.. But Im never going to let anyone know that, Im in fear someone may start blaming me to. And I sure don't want that happening.

~3 hours later~

  "This place is a absolute shit hole." I thought as I looked around the small room mom assigned to me. 

God, why'd we have to leave New York to live in some little town in Indiana.  I won't ever be able to ever visit dad and Karinas graves now. 

  Fighting back tears from thinking of past memory's I set the heavy box in my hands down on the bed, I opened it to find my comforter and sheets along with pillows and stuffed animals from the house back in New York. Im honestly really excited to decorate this room despite how small it is. Moms decorating right now and isn't drunk so hopefully she won't bother me.

  I took off the brown Flannel I had been wearing for the whole car ride off and set it on the edge of the bed.  I was wearing a cropped tank top and blue jeaned shorts. I had my hair up in a ponytail, its curly and gets in the way when I'm trying to be productive.

"I guess I should get this decorating done before I go out and explore the town" I say to myself.

~ 4 hours pass ~

" This is more me" I say with a smile and my hands on my hips confidently.

  My Metallica poster was hanging above my bed along with some other smaller posters and photos. My bed sheets were black and I had 3 stuffed animals in the corner of my bed. My drum set was right in front of my bed. I'm surprised there was enough room for it. My vanity had some bottles on it from where I was drinking water while organizing. My very little bit of makeup was all scattered on the Vanity as well while there was some stickers on the mirror. My bedside table had a lamp and alarm on it, it also had some magazines on it as well.  The rest of my room just had a little bit of clutter but not much.

   The clock read 4:50 pm. I walked out of my room and my mom was passed out on the couch, it looked as if she had finished the rest of the house. That was surprising. Anyways, I grabbed my headphones not caring about my mom. This was her usual and this was what I was used to. I had put on my Flannel and a black sabbath T-shirt along with my ripped jeans and sneakers before I left. I also put my hair down and brushed it out. I started school at my new high school Monday so I wanted to take a walk around the neighborhood and go to that park I had seen on the way to the new house.

   I walked up to the park. There were kids all over the place, I wanted to try and find a bench to sit at and just listen to my music while enjoying nature, I had always loved the outdoors. I was able to fing a bench that no one was sitting at so I decided to claim it and sit there until I thought it was a good time to leave. I didn't plan on staying to long.

~30 minutes go by and Kat has her head down on the table the bench was connected to~

I was about to leave before I heard a Male voice.

"Hey I've never seen you around here before,  you new?"

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