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Published on- 13/07/22


"I think now I can come with you as a reward for bearing your baseless hatred these days" he phrased his demand.

I am feeling so stupid!

How can I be so pathetic?

I literally framed a well-mannered man into a playboy.

Vaidehi you really need to stop reading those Wattpad stories!


"Don't tell me you don't feel happy that he is single" her subconscious came back to put forward some sense.

"Why would I be happy?" she argued.

"Because you like him?" came the voice of her subconscious.

"Just because he gave me food doesn't mean that I started liking him" she tried to suppress her feeling with her bold statement.

"Exactly, that's why I said like not love" her subconscious replied in a duh tone.

"Aye! Ms. Neighbor! Where are you lost?" Nirvaan asked waving his hand in front of her.

"Huh? Nowhere. Umm... you can come but what will you do there?" she asked still not able to come out of her guilt.

"I also need some groceries" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, let's go then" she nodded.

"Yeah, let me change" he replied going inside his room.

Till the time he was away, she was busy cursing herself for making a saint into a womanizer.

"What were you thinking Vaidehi? That first he will be a womanizer and then will change himself for you" her subconscious taunted.

"Shut up! I was not thinking anything like that" she internally shouted on her subconscious.

"Stupid girl" she hit her head on her stupidity.

"No need of this, I forgive you" Nirvaan exclaimed coming out of his room at the same time.

"I am really sorry, Nirvaan" she muttered holding her ears.

"It's really ok, Vaidehi" he mimicked her, taking his car keys.

"Now I understand,

Those disgusting glares,

That "You clean your clothes and hands, right?"

That cleaning my car seat,


He started pointing down all the points.

"Ok ok enough! I am sorry" she pleaded closing her ears with her hands.

He laughed and held her hand.

"Actually, it's good that everything is sorted otherwise I was assuming that you are a serial killer"

"But I have to admit that you looked really cute with that irritated look"

"I hope now I can hold your hand without you feeling disgusted"

He was blabbering inside the lift but her eyes were just fixed on their joined hands.

He held her hand in a muddle but didn't know it will bring thousands of butterflies in her tummy.

But the thing she didn't know was,

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