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No one pov

Dream and George had been dating for 1 year and a half.

But everything changed one day, it was a rainy day George was alone in dream apartment.

George my love❤


-hey love can you
Come to my apartment?
Dream isn't here rn

Yeah sure-

-then ill se you babe
Bye, love you ❤
Love you-


Dream was walking to his apartment to get his phone since he forgot it, today he was going to his family to see them.

When he opened the door he saw George on the couch kissing a girl.

"G-george? " dream said shocked dropping his bag that had some food in them, bc his mom said if he can give and get some groceries before coming so she can make food.

George immediately pulled away from the kiss getting up"d-dream, this isn't what it looks like"George said.

"Don't touch me, we're done, now get out of here" dream said crossing his arms.

George started crying going in ther-, dream'S room taking his clothes and walking out of the apartment.

After he was gone dream started breaking down, screaming and crying.

Bc of that his neighbor heard and comes in his room seeing dream crying.

"Hey, hey,dream why are you crying" a boy said "g-george, cheated o-on me" dream said between sobbing.

"Shhhh, it's okey, he isn't worth crying, he is just a stupid cheater" the brunette said playing whit dream's hair.

"T-thank you wilbur" he said to his friend.

"Your welcome, now go to sleep" he said as dream started drifting to sleep

The next day:

Dream woke up in his bed, he then felt some arms at his waist, when he looked he saw wilbur sleeping peacefully.

His cheeks become a bit red. He got up going in to take some clothes, and then in the bathroom to do his morning routine.

After he finished, he walked back to his bed to wake wilbur up since they had school.

"Wilbur, wake up we have one hour left till school" dream said and wilbur immediately woke up.

"What" he said "you can take some of my clothes, now go and take a bath" he said wilbur muttered a thanks, before running to the bathroom.

Dream started laughing, it was 6:45 morning, and there school start at 9:00.

He stopped laughing and walked to the kitchen to make food.

When he hit there he decided to make some eggs whit bacon and tomatoes
After he finished he saw wilbur coming down mad.

"You said that there is an hour left and it's 7:02, wtf dream" will said, dream just laughed, and after some seconds wilbur joined.

After some min they stopped laughing and started eating, wilbur taked a photo and send it to techno.

Texting him.

Wilbur techno


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