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Two chapters in a week?


The next day

Dream pov.

I was getting ready for school, I still need to be careful since wilbur didn't catch me and I think he won't stop till he catches me.

Anyway I got my bag and started to walk to school really fast since wilbur didn't left his apartment yet.

Skip time{

I walked to my group like every morning "good morning guys" I said "g'morning dream" punz, ant and sapnap said "good morning dream how are you? " bbh said.

"I'm fine, you? " "we're doing great" he responded back "well not everyone" bad said and I chuckled.

"So dream, what happened yesterday you were running very much" punz said "and that's not your thing" he added.

Ohh, I forgot for a minute to be careful, just then I felt arms around my waist.

"Gotcha" I heard wilbur say in my ear before starting to tickle me "wait- *laugh*-will s-stop" I tried to say between laughing.

"That's what you get for slapping me" he said stopping doing that to me "you are a bi**h " I said.

He just rolled his eyes at me "you are the one to talk" he said and started to make a pouting face "I hate u, don't talk whit me for the rest of the day" I said and he just chuckled.

"I gtg, bye" he said and leaved "so your friends whit him now? " punz said and I nodded "cool" ant said.

Just before I could say anything the bell rang that we should get to class"bye guys are you"I said starting to walk the opposite way from them.

Skip time brought by God

Finally we finished school, I hate it here, I'm so lucky that I only have this year then done whit school.

"Dream" I heard someone say, when I turned behind I saw George "w/ do you want now" I said whit venom in every words.

"I'm sorry okey, can we maybe try again" he said "what? " I said "no and never talk whit me again" I said "please, one more time" he said coming closer to me.

"No and don't come near me" I said but he didn't listen and went to kiss me.

But before he could do that he was pushed to the ground by wilbur who was mad.

Wilbur pov

I walked out of school looking for dream whit my friends behind "hey isn't that your friend will' my friend said and I looked in that direction he was pointing at.

I saw George and a mad dream, I walked there seeing George was about to kiss dream but I pushed him saying " he said no and he is mine"I said the first part loud but the second in his ear so dream won't hear me.

Dream is mine and only mine, ohh George you are so dead for trying to do that.

I got up taking dream by his arm and dragging him to his apartment "hey you know I can walk right? " he said but I ignored it continuing to drag him.

After we got there I opened the door closing it and started cuddling him on his bed.

"Ey,let me go" he said but I hold him more thing "wilbur let me go" he said again "no".

" why" "bc I said so now stay still or I'm gonna tickle you again'i said and he shut up.

I put my head at his neck starting to lick it dream moaned at that " wilbur stop now"he said but I continued to lick it but then I bit him causing him to punch me.

No one pov

"Wtf it's gonna leave a mark there" dream said blushing "well now everyone will know that your mine" will said "I'm not yours you nimrod " dream said.

Wilbur just rolled his eyes going to hug dream but got pushed.

"Get out of my room you perv" dream said making wilbur laugh but listened and walked out.

'Why did he do that, and why did it felt so good' dream thought 'am I in love....., no I can't be... Right?.. '

Dream just shock his thoughts away and decided that he will take a warm bath them then after it he will do his home work.

The next day

Dream got up doing his morning routine, and then going to make some food to eat.

At school.

Dream walked to his locker taking a book out and then going out in the school garden.

It was 8:00 and people usually come at 8:40, so that means that it will be peacefully, or he thought so.

"Good morning dreamy" a guy said, dream recognizing him as wilbur and said "good morning as well wilby" dre said not talking his eyes of the book.

"The book is more important then me" will said putting his hand at his hear pretending to be hurt, "don't be such a drama queen wilbur" dream said chuckling.

"Wha, I am not dramatic" will said putting dream in his laps, "you hurt my feelings" "good" dream said making wil pout "I hate you"

"I love you to, as friends" dream said closing his book since it was hard to read it while will was here.

Dream checked the time seeing it was 8:21, they had more time alone.

'Uhmm"they heard someone say "oh yeah, sorry forgot about you guys, dream there my siblings the pink haired guy is techno, the blonde guy is Tommy, the child, and the last is Phil the sport teacher, or know as our father"

"Ey, I'm not a child you stupid bi**h" the child said.

Quick A/N
So techno and Tommy are adopted, wilbur is the only child of Phil, also Phil knows what wilbur is bc his wife told him before she died, Phil wife is the second as wilbur, a underworld creature.

A/N end

"Who lied to you" wilbur said making Tommy pout. Dre just laughed at this remembering what he and his sister did when they were younger.

They hung out a lot that day, dream friends just got jealous bc of that, especially George.

T. B. C

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(1046) sorry if this is short, but bye have a good day/night/morning/evening, love ya all!!

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