Part 14 The Cube Queens Revenge

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After the group found each other they decided to have a party. "This party's good but it needs one more thing." Says Torin. "Like a movie with blood and guts." Says Guggimon." No stupid we need indoor fireworks of course!" Says Torin slightly annoyed by Guggimons request. They continue to party until they pick their partner for the Slow dance. Then as they hit the dance floors, four real-looking cube robots start attacking them. "Why does he look like me." Says Renegade Raider. The group all start to wonder why she looked like her but nothing came to mind. So they keep fighting. Drift, Lakeira and Caitlin fighting robot Drift in his ultimate form and the rest of the group fighting the other 3 robots. Then out of nowhere robot Renegade Raider lets out a rope of burning, blue lightning that would kill you if it hit you. Guggimon however didn't think it would and decides to jump right in it to protect his girlfriend but gets electrocuted in the process. The rest of the group continue fighting the Cube Queens robots until the Cube Queen turns them off.

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