Part 13 Reuniting The Group Pt3

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It's 12pm Caitlin, Ramirez and Janky are just about to leave the apartment so they can save the others. "You got everything healing pads, murder weapons, food for us to eat." Says Caitlin. " Yep I've got everything." Says Janky slightly annoyed. "Good I'll build a swimming pool with wheels and we'll be there in no time." Says Ramirez. "Okay." Says Caitlin. The group press the secret button and manage to open the secret rift. Meanwhile Lakeira walks closer to the exploding rift while Midas just stands there waiting to be rescued and Meowscles is also walking towards the exploding rift. Back in the Cube Queen's House Vemon and Gumbo are teaching the others special skills they can use in combat. Janky, Ramirez and Caitlin are walking in the strange talking animal world until they see Meowscles, Midas and Lakeira walking towards an exploding rift. Janky tells them to look out and they move just before it explodes. "Lakeira I missed you." Cries Caitlin. "I've missed you too." Says Lakeira. The six use Ramirez's swimming pool vehicle to try and get to the Cube Queen's house but when they were almost there they get attacked by Gumbo and Vemon. "What are you guys doing? You're supposed to be heroes." Says Midas frustrately. "We are the Cube Queens best servents." Says Vemon. The group run quickly into the house to find their friends handcuffed. "Oh thank god you're here." Says Drift. "Guggimon I missed you." Says Janky. "Missed you too old pal. Now focus the key out of the handcuffs  weather control. If you can get that weather-controlling girl to make a thunderstorm then we'll be out." Says Guggimon. They do Guggimon's plan and make it out of there with a bit of fighting of course. They also take back Vemon and Gumbo and unhypnotize them.

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