Chapter 13

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B: Look at the moon!
Y/n: It's like a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow.
They didn't talk, they were just walking and staring at moon. Suddenly started a little rain. The clouds oblige and rain descends in little gleam-drops of silver.
Y/n: I always wanted to dance under rain.
B: We can do it together.
Y/n: But how? You are a ghost.
B: You can use your powers and kind of make me a ghost who can see others and I can touch you. Then, we can dance. Only concrete on your powers.
Y/n closed her eyes and imagined Ben in real life not just like a ghost.
B: It worked!
Y/n: I did it!
B: Would you like to dance me?
Ben give his hand to Y/n, she took it and they started to enjoy outside music and dance. They were dancing as no one was watching at them. They kind of got hidden from this world and appeared in an other beautiful rainy world. They danced for along time, until Y/n said that she can't hold the powers. Before Ben again became a ghost, who could not see anyone, Y/n and Ben came close and.... And their lips touched each other in a beautiful rainy night. The kiss seemed that it will never stop. They both were wet after rain and cold. But the warm kiss was feeling with warm their bodies. And in the end of kiss, Ben disappeared from eyes. He again was a ghost.
For a while they were walking in silence, until Y/n decided to broke it.
Y/n: It was wonderful, thank you.
B: I hope you liked it, because I know I did.
After they were walking and exploring the whole town. Their conversation seemed never end. It was funny and lovely night walk. But what does the kiss mean?
After of hours of walking they decided to go home, since it almost was 4am.
B: I think everyone is worried about you.
Y/n: Nah, no one cares about me except you. I wish you could have stayed with me for a longer time.
B: I am with you and will be always. And about your powers, we can practice.
Y/n smiled and tried to hug Ben, but she just passed through him.
Y/n: Yea, I need more practice. In that case I can hug more often.
Together they came back home.
Y/n: I think everyone is asleep.
She already entered the room. Someone turn on the lights and said to her.
F: Not everyone is asleep Y/n.
Five was holding a cup of coffee with.
F: Where have you been?
Y/n: If you don't care, why are you asking then?
F: You are wet! What were you thinking when you went house and had a walk in a rain?
Y/n: Just leave me alone. I need to change.
F: Not until you say where and with whom you were.
Y/n: Fine! I was walking with Ben.
Y/n said not in a very nice voice and rolled her eyes.
F: Don't you dare to talk with me like that! And why were you walking alone?
Y/n started to yell ay Five as he did at her.
Y/n: I was with Ben, you are such an idiot!
Then she tried to push Five and leave.
Y/n: Let me go and get change!
F: I said no.
Y/n: I won't listen to you.
F: So you want it to be like that?
Y/n: You can do nothing!

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