Chapter 28

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Thieves were coming more closer and closer. Her heart had been replaced by a cold fist of horror. She already knew how this would end. What if she was too tired for using her powers. Finally Y/n concreted and used powers of air to push them away.
Y/n: ☁️ We are the only ones who can save us. ☁️
Thieves: What did just happen?
Y/n: Get out of here if you want to live.
Thieves ran away really scared.
Thieves: She is insane.
But before running, thieves threw a knife on Y/n. It hit her arm, which started bleeding.
Y/n: If I end this day alive, we will need a celebrating .
B: Stop joking about your life!
Y/n rolled her eyes and continued the way to home. Her arm still was bleeding.
Y/n: Ben! Remind me to practice powers of healing.
B: Okay, but now try heal your arm until we get home.
It was hard and complicated, but Y/n could a little heal het arm. Actually, it just stopped bleeding. But scars were left.
Y/n: Ben.... I have headache. Am I gonna die?
B: What?
Y/n: I don't feel okay. I remember, that healing powers require a lot of energy, which I don't have that much. I guess I am dying. Isn't this funny?
B: There is nothing funny!
Ben hold her hand.
B: Stop joking about your life. You won't die. You are a strong and brave hero.

Ben just held her hand tried to imagine the world without Y/n and for about one second, he was good enough person to hope she died so she would be with him in the ghost world. But then he wanted more time so they could fall in love. He got his wish, He suppose. He let the scar on his heart.

Finally they got home alive. Five immediately ran into Y/n.
F: Are you okay?
But she was too exhausted from today's journey that she fall right on Five's hands.
F: What happened? Klaus ask Ben!
K: Ben says, that she saved some people from burning house. Then she was in hospital, helping those people. After she came home on foot. And on the way home, some thieves tried to come close to her, but she used her powers.
F: What about arm? Seems like she got hit with knife.
K: That happened too! One of thieves threw a knife on her.
F: She needs someone to help her. I'll do it.
A: I think you will need help.
F: No! My sister, my duty is to help her.
K: We got it dude. Be calm.
Five became more angry and almost was yelling.
F: Stop calling me dude!
K: Just take care of Y/n. Bye!
Five went to Y/n's room, put her on the bed and took firs aid kit. He started to help her with scars.
Y/n: Oww, it hurts.
F: A little more. Don't think about this. For example, say five things that you can see.
Y/n concreted on what was around the room.
Y/n: Um.. I can see you, my scars, the first aid kit, my desk and my bed.
F: Good job, now say 4 things you can touch.
Y/n concreted and tried to say new things. After saying 3 things she can listen, 2 things she can smell and one things she can taste, she started to feel much better.
Y/n: How did you do that?
F: If you pay attention to physical sensation it's hard to get stuck in your head. Because inside your head is almost always worse than reality.
Y/n: Thank you Five.
F: Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay. It's good that you have power of fire. You didn't burn any part of your body.
Y/n: Yea... this powers are useful.

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