26| worrying for a friend or a lover

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What is strange? Strange is a lot of things. In my life, strange things keep happening but if those strange things are related to Kevin Wilder, they give me joy. They make me confused for the most part but in the end they are joyful and happy strange events. Example, me getting affected by his flirty lines. Just in the morning I was rolling my eyes over Owen’s attempts at pickup lines but in the evening I had laughed when Kev tried it. 

Something had started to go wrong in me and I had no idea what. Or everything was wrong from the start and I had just started to realise this. I think I’m a coconut head.

The next morning there were no clouds like yesterday though it was still very cold. The sun kept playing hide and seek with the clouds but overall the weather was great. I loved winters and winter mornings. And just not going to school on a winter morning was an exciting thought yet it only remained a thought. 

Dad was cooking breakfast when I got down after getting ready. My morning wish was tired and sad while on the contrary he was cheerful. Dad loved his work and I hated my school. I gobbled down the breakfast as I had skipped dinner last night since I and Kev ate a lot of fritters in the evening so I slept after drinking milk and now I was hungry. 

I was in the middle of washing the dishes when my phone started ringing. Without a doubt I could say it was Kev. Were we getting late? My father told me to leave the rest of the dishes but I quickly completed washing the dishes and saying a quick goodbye to my father. I ran out of my house and there stood Kev in front of the fence. 

Muttering apologies as I glanced at my wrist watch just now finding that we were getting late. Kev was taking his car today because Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays were Kev’s late practice days. 

“Take the car home later,” I was not ready for a shock in the morning.

“Why? You never let me drive your car before,” I had a driver’s license and the credits go to dad and Kev but I didn’t have a car. We had only one car at home which belonged to my father. “And you are not asking me to stay either which is weird,”

“You get tired and bored when you stay,” He reasoned. Well it was true but I always stayed and I only teased Kev because I love doing so. Our conversation came to an end as we reached school. Our first class was different today so we both went our separate ways. 


The day at school went by quickly. I didn’t take Kev’s car and walked back home instead. I did receive his message, a picture of him trying to look angry with a message ‘why you never take my advice’. I only sent him a photo with a victory sign. After that I ended up sleeping for a while and doing other various things before I started studying. 

The only message I received from his side was probably after he reached home and that was our last interaction for the day. He came home tired on his late practice days so I didn’t bother him with the chemistry problems that boggled my mind. 



t was Thursday. Just one more day to go for school and only three days left for exams. I sighed standing in front of the mirror. I was in the middle of tying my hair when my phone rang. The caller ID flashed ‘Kev’ so I held my hair in one hand and from the other picked up the call. 

“Yes?” I said putting my phone on speaker. “I’m almost done. I just have to have breakfast,” I glanced at the clock. I have exactly ten minutes.  It was not my fault that Kevin got ready before me. Afterall he doesn’t have long hair to comb and tie. 

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