Steve Harrington Is Ridiculous

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It's deafeningly silent. The lapping of the water against the edge of the pool is the only sound to hit your ears as night greets dawn's rosy and warm fingertips, and there's a soft golden hue to the clouds just off the horizon. The birds aren't yet awake. There are no cars on the road. Steve hasn't come downstairs.

You rubbed the exhaustion from your eyes and took a languid sip of beer that's too warm now. Sleep evaded you. The pool had offered to swallow your tears— repurpose them, reuse them the next time someone cannonballed into its depths. So, here you were: morning had come as it always does, and you were the only soul awake at the Harrington residence. You wished you were anywhere but the Harrington residence.

It wasn't anything Steve had done; no, your best friend, Steve, with his heart of gold and charming smile could never do anything to upset you, but he was still here with her downstairs in the bedroom that had been set aside for him and you. Not her. His car sat empty down the driveway, catching the first rays of sunlight as it filtered through the evergreen trees. He was still here, and you were still here, but you were not still here with him.

The beer had numbed the pain, but you knew you'd get an ear-full from Steve Hawkins' #1 Lifeguard Harrington for drinking so close to the water. "You could drown," he'd shout as he shoved people onto the lawn nearby. "No CPR on my watch." Ridiculous. Steve Harrington was ridiculous.

But he knew how to throw a fuckin' party. The sun was rising, but it was only about an hour ago that the last party-goers had left. Everyone else crashed in a room, sauntering up the stairs and slamming doors too loudly, groaning as their heads hit soft, plush pillows. Everyone but you because she had left with him a long time ago. Back when the music was still blaring and Steve was twirling you around the lawn in a clumsy sort of dance. Ridiculous.

You hadn't noticed your boyfriend's absence until you'd excused yourself to head to sleep much to Steve's dismay. The bedroom door had been locked, but it wasn't closed all the way, so, confused, you pushed it open slowly enough to see his limbs tangled with her and loud snores echoing off the walls.

A rock settled in your throat, and electricity shot up your spine as you stood frozen for entirely too long. Your feet had moved before your brain did, retreating back into the hallway and avoiding everyone around you. If anyone had thought something was wrong, they didn't stop to ask as your feet carried you to the treeline behind the Harrington house. It was dark, and you were drunk, and you were alone, and you weren't thinking clearly, and someone really should have stopped to ask if you were okay, but your feet wouldn't stop walking past the tall pines and into the grassy woods. One foot in front of the other, and soon you were breathing better. Your heart stopped pounding, but nausea took over. You blamed the alcohol in your system as you tried to forget him. Forget them.

God, what a fucking idiot you'd been. The party was great. You caught up with friends and drank and had a beautiful time with your boyfriend, Dalton. He made you feel special. His eyes twinkled when he looked at you, and even when you weren't, people always told you how in-love with you he was. He'd gone to get drinks when Steve had drunkenly pulled you over to the stereo, joking that, "you never dance! Come on! Like old times; for me?"

And you could never say no to the sweet puppy eyes Steve wore so well. Before you knew it, you were dancing with Steve to ABBA, and Dalton pushed a drink into your hands as he excused himself to the restroom. Song after song played before your legs threatened to give out, and your brain was beginning to think, I haven't seen Dalton's cute face in a while.

You'd slapped at Steve's shoulder and leaned into his ear as you yelled over the music, "I need to go to bed. I think Dalton's asleep already."

Steve had given you a massive frown, but after much begging for you to stay and have fun, he relented and let you leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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