Day In The New Life

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"Perfect, Malfoy." Snape commented when the lesson ended. "I'll take that down to Madam Pomfrey, afterwards."

Then, he looked into the other cauldron on the table. "What happened to working together?"

"We worked together, but I wanted to... try on my own?" It came out as more of a question, something Snape could see through immediately. Unsurprisingly, Snape gave Potter a Poor. And Draco got an Outstanding.

"Seems someone has learnt their place." Draco smirked down at him, folding his arms and looking Potter dead in the eye.

"Yeah, well I can buy you a drink now." Smugly, Harry stated. When the bell went off, he said goodbye to Draco and said, "I'll pick you up on a Hogsmeade Saturday at six for our date!"

"It's not a date!"

"It bloody is." He shouted back, not looking back but knowing Draco was staring at his head.

Everyone began to leave with Weasley and Granger quickly walking to catch up with Potter, and Terry left Lavender to join Draco's side. "What was that?"

"I... I'm going out on a Saturday..." Draco refused to call it a date. No, it was never a date. Draco Malfoy will not go on a date with Harry Potter. It was just a little get-together because Draco beat Harry. It was his reward for winning the bet. Besides, it's not like Potter was doing this because he actually liked Draco. The boy just found someone he had to chase to date, so Draco was going to give him the chase without the first place trophy.

"Going out? With Potter?" Exclaimed Terry. Apparently, yes.

Harry was jumping for fucking joy. He had a date with the gorgeous blonde boy he met on the train. Harry could just imagine it now. Sitting across from an absolutely interesting person and listening to what Draco has to say, a smile on his face like nobody else is there. Harry's vision was painted in shimmery gold.

"Harry!" A harsh smack with a book came to Harry's arm and he flinched, instantly grabbing his arm and smoothing it.

"That's a hardback book!"

"We've been trying to get your attention for five minutes." The girl scoffed, dropping the book on her lap and Harry's shoulders relaxed. "What has gotten you so captivated?"

"I have an idea." Ron's voice was muffled by his food but they both still heard him. "You know Draco Malfoy?"

She looked at Ron like he was mad, "We study together regularly, yes."

Harry had never been more offended, "And you didn't tell me?"

She shrugged, "I never saw any reason to, you've never showed any interest in guys before."

"Yes I have!"

"Who?" Challenged Hermione, folding her arms because she knew she was right.

"I- Victor Krum!"

"Every guy has an infatuation with Victor Krum." She shook her head, "And besides, it will be work if you want him to like you, and I know he's smart enough he'd never let that happen."


"Oh Harry," here we go, "You have a thing for breaking peoples hearts."

Harry didn't give it much thought because he never means to! And only like one or two of them loved him anyway, the rest only either liked him or wanted a social booster.

His first girlfriend was in first year and they only dated because it was a dare (Harry and Susan were the talk of the school for only a week because they broke up in three days. Still friends - in fact, she rather fancies Neville Longbottom now). In second, he may have had three or four, and in third and fourth... well, Harry lost count but apparently he's had seventeen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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