Fixed for now

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A/N: I kinda lost motivation halfway through writing this, that's why it's a bit rushed and it doesn't make sense, I'm not personally a fan of it but yeah...idk I had to get the story out of my head, so here it is.


As Danny woke up he could immediately sense something was wrong with his body. He didn't even have time before sitting up before he felt a dull ache start to spread in his body, and as he got out of bed it only got worse.

" Well, this is a great way to start my day... " Danny thought sarcastically, proceeding to pull a shirt over his head. The raven later headed to the kitchen where his family was frantically running around with luggage for their trip.

" Good morning Danny, breakfast is on the table! " Maddie said, rushing past him with a handful of her lab gadgets. Danny proceeded to eat his breakfast, watching as his family continued running back and forth with different items for the trip.

" Danny hurry up and pack when you're done, we need to leave soon! " Jack yelled from the living room. Danny called back an answer and hurried to finish his remaining breakfast. Once done, he started heading up the stairs when he suddenly sneezed, causing his whole body to start aching even more. He didn't make it far before sneezing again, this time causing Maddie to check up on her son.

" Danny, you alright? " She asked, placing a concerned hand on his forehead. As she retracted her hand, Danny could see he was gonna receive some bad news.

" Oh honey, you have a fever... " She said. Danny sighed disappointingly and headed to his room to start packing, despite the fact he was sick. He could just try and make his ghost powers make him better, then he wouldn't need to be sick during the whole trip. Danny quickly grabbed a majority of his closet and stuffed it in his bag, then he went back down to his frantic family. As the raven got down to the hallway, his parents stood there whispering about something and he guess it was about him being sick. 

He could have guessed that with and without his ghost hearing, and as he approached his parents they stopped talking. They had in fact been talking about him, it was obvious.

" Mom, Dad...? " Danny questioned but didn't get any response. They just started grabbing all the luggage and headed out to the car, throwing everything in the trunk.

" Danny, how are you feeling? " Maddie came back to him and placed a hand on his forehead again. She sighed and retracted her hand again, this time seeming even more disappointed.

" I'm fine...? " Danny answered, even though he was barely able to stand up at this point. His ghost powers weren't doing crap to help him get better, so he would just have to feel like shit for some time.

" Alright everyone in the car, we're leaving! " Jack ordered, shooing the family in the car one by one. As Danny sat down he started feeling really tired, and since this was a road trip his family wouldn't mind if he fell asleep for a few minutes.


As Danny woke up again he looked out the window and noticed they were in a familiar area, he'd flown over this area before sometime last week.

" Mom... Where are we going? " Danny asked, starting to get suspicions about the road his parent were taking. With no answer, Danny kept looking out the window only to see more and more areas he recognized until finally, it dawned on him what his parents had been whispering about. He didn't even have time to argue before Vlad's mansion towered up ahead, and they were heading straight for it.

" Here we are! " Maddie said, opening the door for Danny to get out. He suspiciously got out and stared at the mansion in disgust.

" Why are we here, this wasn't the destination we were going to? " Danny questioned, seeing his parents already walking to the mansion's doors.

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